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Why are conspiracy theories becoming more mainstream... and the nuts growing in numbers? - Printable Version

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Why are conspiracy theories becoming more mainstream... and the nuts growing in numbers? - wittybirthday390 - 02-28-2013 03:37 PM

Conspiracy theories are becoming more mainstream... as evidenced by all the youtube videos that I'm sure we all here have came across. Let me provide some examples: 1) I'm in my late twenties and I see people posting things (people who I would have never have thought would post such things) such as a picture of Hitler with kids and picture of the President with kids accompanied by 'WAKE UP ITS HAPPENING AGAIN!!!!'.. Implying the Government is going to disarm American citizens and then turn around and kill us...REALLY!?!? 2) Another person posting a video of the 'Sandy Hook Conspiracy' video on youtube which has over 10 million views. 3) Again... all the countless videos on youtube that have massive amounts of views... and in the comment section the believers are all defensive 'You are just an uninformed sheep' blah blah blah etc. It's like its a damn religion now people believe in this **** so strongly. I once too read into all these conspiracies when I was younger and I mean ALL of them... like I said when I was YOUNGER.. I also have watched all these 'conspiracies' be debunked. You see you can show the believer FACTS and they still will not believe.. they hold true their conspiracy 'religion' as I like to call it. My main concern is that as I am viewing these post on facebook and youtube these people are adults with children. These kids are just going to grow up paranoid as hell fearful of their own government.... and the irony with that is... history shows whenever Anarchy befalls a nation... the first thing they do is turn around and want their government back. What the hell is wrong with these folks??? Thoughts opinions comments?