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What did you think of WWE Raw's 20th anniversary? - Printable Version

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What did you think of WWE Raw's 20th anniversary? - allen - 02-28-2013 03:41 PM


I had too much hype for this show and it disappointed me big time. The show had TOO MUCH commercials, fillers, and this social media crap!! All the promos (Except CM Punks) SUCKED!! The show bored me to the point were I fell asleep for 10 mintues and had to be woken up. The opener fukkkking sucked, THE ROCK FUKKKING SUCKS!!!!!!!! The SHield got burried, Rhode Schollars got buried, Antonio Cesaro got burried, ZIGGLER GOT BURRIED!! No stone cold, a perdictable HoF induction, NO NOTHING! This was just like every average Raw except even crappier. I swear to god TNA's product was soo much better..... fukkkk WWE and all this PG BS!!!

Your thoughts?

- Ghoul - 02-28-2013 03:46 PM

I agree, definitely did NOT live up to its hype. Also definitely not what a 20th anniversary show should be. I got two words to describe 20th year of RAW, piss poor.

- Dillon - 02-28-2013 03:55 PM

it was terrible, complete garbage would be the best way to put it like you said, No legends, other than Foley and The Rock, The Rock isn't funny anymore, im sorry to all you marks still living in the attitude era, but he should just stick to crappy movies. the brawl between Punk and Rock was terrible, one of the lamest brawls i have ever seen. Cena can't put anyone over and Ziggler keeps losing its just so stupid

- Favre - 02-28-2013 04:04 PM

I enjoyed the Ric Flair and Rock segments, but they should have had Undertaker, HBK, and Austin present for sure, espicially when those 3 are all from Texas. Plus I will agree with you that there should have been a better main event. But as far as you saying TNA is better I disagree 100 percent, if you want to continue watching a bunch of jobbers run directly into Sting's plastic ball bat, then you go right ahead.

- lee_ice2007 - 02-28-2013 04:08 PM

It was a Major letdown. No surprises, same PG BULLSHI.T Xept for the rocks concert, NO LEGENDS , (only flair really, and that was Horrible). NO Stone cold, No Taker, No HBK, The first intro theme was great, but the rest of Raw sucked! Boring promos, boring matches, stupid backstage segments, Cena is still the same, The roster is LAAAAAAAME. I am not watching Raw next monday because there are better shi.t on tv. I am an adult, And WWE is for Kiddies thats why Cena won. AJ needs to quit she is annoying hopping around everywhere. Im done with this PG Bullshitt