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How can i get big on youtube as a gamer? - Printable Version

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How can i get big on youtube as a gamer? - Roach - 02-28-2013 03:45 PM

Can you please give me some tips

- OH gumdrops - 02-28-2013 03:47 PM


Getting 'big' on Youtube in gaming isn't so hard (: , You can review games, tips, cheats or even discuss new up coming games and consoles.

Make sure it is visually appealing, special effects for insistence. Talk clearly, write a script and memorize it. Also make sure some of your lines are funny. Share the video with the right audience for example, a gaming form or group my be able to gain views. Promote with Ads or social networking sites.

After a certain about of views YouTube will allow you to set up Advertisements on the side of your videos which can lead you to be 'big' or gain profit and allows you to expand to more professional equipment. The more views the better, or in this case the more popular you are.

Hope I helped (:

- henry - 02-28-2013 03:49 PM

These are some things you can do but it will not guarantee anything. They will help but getting really popular has a lot to do with luck and how interesting your content is.

1. Get an HD capture card - This is almost a necessity. It will add professional quality and will make it a lot more interesting for the viewers rather than just filming the screen with a camera.

2. Make a channel intro (less than 15 second clip preceding each video and showing the best of your channel) - Again adding professional quality and making it seem like a T.V. show.

3. Get good at the games you showcase - People would rather watch a good player than a bad player (unless you're REALLY bad in which case it makes it funny).

4. Make reviews - Gets more views to the channel.

5. Live Commentary - makes it more interesting and adds something new (my next point) to your series.

6. Do something different and unique - Make people want to watch your videos because only you do that (such as commentary, tips, and/or tricks). Adding commentary will add your personality to your gameplay.

7. Update often - Add a video at least once a week.

Like I said before, this will not make you famous, but it will raise your chances.