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What is most popular page for unsigned musician? - Printable Version

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What is most popular page for unsigned musician? - squareMaster555 - 02-28-2013 04:25 PM

What is the most popular page for unsigned musician in USA and world where he can show his music and where labels also search musicians? I know MySpace is most popular but what next? SoundClick?

- Victoria - 02-28-2013 04:33 PM

Write a song, mix it, and put it on with a banner. A couple Norwegian guys wrote a dance song and a mllion copies were downloaded overnight, which left them oodles in royalties. Today, those two bock beer drinking bucks own their own studio.

MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube - those are social networking sites and you will need a miracle to make your music stand out from the millions of other tunes. Therefore, put your music on a MUSIC site.

Music labels do not hunt the Internet for musicians. Their reps attend live shows. Any recordings they get in the mail are usually tossed into the trash without even being opened.

What you need is a manager. Someone who will introduce you to the right people. A manager can get your music on the desk of a record label and an A&E rep at the label might even take 5 minutes to listen.

Another website where musicians advertize is (the national musicians referral). Here you will find amateurs, pros, and wannabes. It is an active site and it certainly can't hurt for you to run a classified ad announcing your music to the world.