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how do fix damage on your computor that a virus did? - Printable Version

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how do fix damage on your computor that a virus did? - Julian Pelzer - 02-28-2013 04:25 PM

I want to go on to facebook, myspace, twitter, my primary email, etc. and my computor says that the website is down and i need my other email to work and the problem of this was most likely a virus. how do i fix this problem?

- Andrew R - 02-28-2013 04:35 PM

scan your system with your antivirus software. perform a boot time scan if the program allows you to. otherwise you may need to reload.

- Better You know - 02-28-2013 04:44 PM

Use your other email - choose FORGOT USERNAME or PASSWORD

- Larry - 02-28-2013 04:48 PM

If you use Microsoft go to their web site and get Microsoft Security Essentials. It will scan and fix any viruses you have acquired. Its free and easy to install and use, also it continues to protect your computer

- Brian Hoffman - 02-28-2013 04:56 PM

malwarebytes antimalware

- Jade - 02-28-2013 05:02 PM

To make sure you get all malware off your computer you need to run more than one program. Each anti malware program will handle some subset of all viruses but only running one will usually miss some of the malware. The one thing you can probably be assured of is that if you have a known infection there are probably others that are not yet discovered.

Run all of this from safe mode and always download the software from a different computer that is not infected.

Use the following:

Malwarebytes -

Super Anti Spyware -

Combofix -

For more details on identifying malware and using this software see this page: