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What is with Russian women selling themselves? - Printable Version

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What is with Russian women selling themselves? - James - 02-28-2013 04:28 PM

I'm really baffled by this phenomena, I saw an ad of facebook for Russian brides. Sure they are hot , but how insanely impractical is it? How do they end up in this situation? Don't they have dignity? what about the language barrier? the social isolation etc etc.

- dani girl - 02-28-2013 04:33 PM

russia sucks bad and they will do anything to get to a free nation.... thats why... right? no..... but to some it seems the only option.

- Tolerant b - 02-28-2013 04:40 PM

They want a better life and a brighter future. Offering to marry someone to get those things is as old as marriage is.

The language barrier? Well, if you really need to, most of us can learn enough of a foreign language to survive. They obviously feel that education, skills etc are not going to get them where they want to be fast enough. Marriage might just do it though.

- Millo - 02-28-2013 04:50 PM

put urself in their position

u live in one of the poorest countries in the world.
ur destined to become a hoe or drug user. u cant even put food on the table for yourself let alone ur family. basically ur going nowhere.

now there's a chance (a very slim one), that if ur could meet some one from another country (like the one oy live in) to take u out of this hell hole, would you at least try for a better life?

I would think so!

- Patricia - 02-28-2013 04:51 PM

They sell themselves because they are beautiful and they know the men can,t get anyone else, they are usually very old men that want them so they don,t have to worry about to much sex, the men just put them up on the mantel to ogle them.After these ladies have settled into the house hold they work their wonders and take these men for everything they have ever worked hard to get. It has happened so many times already and the men don,t seem to wake up to what is happening,usually their family to the previous marriage miss out on their inheritance as these women take the lot.The russians are the smart ones they sell themselves but end up with a good reward in the end.