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How is arranged/forced marriage acceptable for you? - Printable Version

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How is arranged/forced marriage acceptable for you? - Blue lagoon - 02-28-2013 04:31 PM

Of course I'm not talking about arrange marriage when the Bride and groom are happy and gave approval. I'm talking the kind of arrange marriage when parents put pressure on their daughter ( or son but it's usually on their daughter unfortunately) to marry someone she obviously doesn't want to. How can loving parents give such torment to their children and in extreme cases ruin their lives? Forced marriages could be as well physical violence (beatings), mental violence (threats of killing you, threats of disowning you, committing suicide, emotional blackmailing etc...) Are these parents really sadistic or plain stupid? Stupid in the sense they don't understand anything and stick to tribal traditions? Why is the India government not fighting to educate their populations? Now the UK as to deal with these kind of backward immigrants, protect their British-born Indian citizen from forced marriage, abuse, honor killings....from their own families. When do you think India is going to ''grow up'' ?

- Satish Kumar - 02-28-2013 04:32 PM

since you are a fully grown man,not a child that your parent pick you up and get married to stranger

- Gentleman - 02-28-2013 04:40 PM

India has well growned up than the rest of the globe.. Due to infection of west, to some extent divorce system has prevailed to break happiness and security in mrg life.... Otherwise, Indian culture is the best known for cultural value, security, respect real love affection and NO PERVERSION... So generations get good ingrained value and warmth of family unlike west... Ppl know how to live human life in civilised way unlike lonely life of west.. Humans are social animals not JUNGLE ANIMALS... So Indians live life of social animals.. Where ever they go they spread richness of economics culture values and other good things rather than infecting other countries with demoralised values and culture.. Indian ppl do know real fathers and their name..Every.Indian has only one father ever..Thats is possible in EAST (India ) only

Indian mrg ismeant for secuirty love values and good culture for btter life for coming generations and society as a whole.. Some cases are exceptional due to infection of western perverted culture and so it create problems among family due to clash of culture and such problems as you said are created... Now, never troll or make any low racial comments as I showed you the real mirror...The fact is clear to you... Also advise your others not to do it ever.. India has stood up on her own legs not on any stolen properties or wealth and they have rich heritage of ages old culture values natural properties etc.. unlike others..

- prakash - 02-28-2013 04:45 PM

Social change is never overnight, it takes time for the people, specially older generation which can be real stubborn and adamant with tradition. Now honor killings have been banned in India and people can face serious jail consequences. Not all arrange marriages are forced as which you agreed. The real problem is still there is lots of social pressure to get married by late 30's. These days parents will give you time to find someone you like, if you cannot find someone bcos you are a nerd or whatever they recommend arrange when you are approaching 30.
After spending sometime in west i realized how arrange marriages were wrong. I also realized how arrange marriages create bad social and political impact(difference between rich and poor). At the same time divorce rates are soaring in India bcos of love marriage, although local people fail to realize just bcos of low divorce rate does not mean people are more happier. There has been definitely a signficant change in India in last few yrs with social networking sites like facebook and twitter. But still India has to long way to go in term of social issues. Government is working on it, but really slow.
Also west is not perfect either? Gay rights and gay marriages? But it is still lot better than India. World is not perfect my friend.

- HUMANITY - 02-28-2013 04:47 PM

Alliance is approved finally by the girl after meetings of boy & girl with parents. There is no force anywhere. Alliance is rejected after meetings too.