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Are my videos any good? - Printable Version

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Are my videos any good? - Fourgoldenturtles - 02-28-2013 04:32 PM

So I have been making youtube videos for about a month and with so few views it is hard to tell what people think of my content. I think I'm improving but I'm far from spectacular.
( )
So whats the verdict, what do you think and how can I improve?
Thanks for the advice Smile

- Sid - 02-28-2013 04:41 PM

You need to work on your titles and search index for one, think about it how many people would go on YouTube and search "my painful stories" Your title is like your blood line and you need to make a title that people will search.. also your suggestions box you need to fill them up with the things that are on trend..

Finally its content... don't get me wrong but you need to prioritize what it is your looking for.. if you wanna just ramble on about your life well you go ahead and do that.. but how many people wanna be looking at you? or rather why should they look at you? people that vlog about their lives fall into 3 categories :

A) It's a chick who is really hot.. or its just a chick which attracts a male audience
B)Someone who has real life experience and is able to offer something back to the viewer, a life lesson or 2
C)Someone who can offer them entertainment of some kind

Work on things like your thumbnail, get more noticed by advertising yourself use Facebook,twitter etc, to get your family and friends involved, eventually the views will come.
Most importantly try to talk about things that are on trend..

For example, one thing that's really on trend right now is how to pickup girls check out simple pickup
another example : pranking your friends, family or even your girlfriend

-Some minor details , when on camera you should try and sit down and talk to the camera like a real person or hold the camera while talking instead of a full body shot (noone wants to see your crotch lol), try to be in a well light room or go outside if you dont have enough light streaming in..
try to get a good video editing software and add things like music and stuff, last but not least have someone review your content before publishing onto youtube as they can tell you what they think about the video..

- Grown - 02-28-2013 04:49 PM

Your videos are pretty good. Try putting more time into it, and fix the Tittles and etc.

- b - 02-28-2013 04:50 PM

dont be so dull.

- Charlse Carmicheal - 02-28-2013 04:54 PM

Well first have you considered sharing it on twitter or google+ they're great sites as they let you make your own profile without your real name and you can just add people randomly and when they add you they will start to see your posts and your shares on your videos.

Also your thumbnails need to change a bit. For example for the animal facts one you could have you with a weird face then a coloured background and a giraffe on your left - you can easily Photoshop this in!

Also you're videos that standout are the videos that have good titles and good content so keep on giving them good content and titles as well as tags! Now tags are very important!

You need as much tags that are related to your video that you can get and when you upload a video then you can add tags underneath the description box.

It's good the way your videos are random! And also in HD!!!
Since your random I guess you could keep on making videos for a long time and you can probably go far in the YouTube Community I mean for how many videos you have that's amazing so keep on doing what you do.

Try upload twice a week and if you really can't then once a week. Don't post too frequently like twice a day or every day because you're not a gaming channel and I think that's what gaming channels do. So post around 1-4 times a week.

Don't make it one long video of you talking, I know you do some reconstructions to show them but when your explaining for example you saying, "Yeah and then I went to the slaughter house," then cut there then move at an angle to the left or right or even take a step back a little different than the way you were standing before then film the next few lines then cut again chage stance you can see this guy do it a lot:

First 5 seconds of the video he does that stance thing where he moves position every few sentences but don't do it too often OK. Maybe 3 times in a video.

Last but not least try to get your subscribers involved by doing things like asking them what video you should do next.

Also maybe when you reach like 100 and 200 then 300 subs and so on then maybe you can do little contests for your subscribers.

Good luck.