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Lots of visits to my blog but they're all just freeloaders, what should I do? - Printable Version

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Lots of visits to my blog but they're all just freeloaders, what should I do? - L - 02-28-2013 04:45 PM

Ok, so I wrote a post about something recently on my blog and I'm getting about 4 times more views than normal. In fact I reached record views. But the problem is, I'm looking at the stats, and they are all just going to that one post. In fact they only seem to be interested in the subject matter of the post and they leave without bothering to read my other posts.

I feel like they're a bunch of freeloaders. SHould I just be grateful and keep posting anyway in hopes the new exposure will garner new fans?

- Live Eco Friendly - 02-28-2013 04:50 PM

You should do what does, charge each customer their time of 10-15 seconds. In short, sign up for ad networks that pay you per impression. And then install the code and then your visitors will be forced to see that ad, thus(hopefully) you get paid out each month depending on your impressions.

Also, could those be robots or your own visits? Check the ip addresses again, it might sound silly but we've all done it from time to time.

The other option is to create your content on facebook and then have it fan-gated so people who like your content so much will have to see you on facebook and they will have to like you or join your fanpage to get access to the content.

Hope this helps you and this new blog community is accepting applications as well.

- Jake - 02-28-2013 04:57 PM

Get more traffic, somehow that one article got high search ranking or links from other sites that brought the traffic. Make more pages like that one, some add next/prev buttons or recent articles lists on the footer to encourage browsing. Be grateful and not insulting to your readers. Test different ads, don't expect the fist samples to be the best converting.