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i know this isnt about weddings bt pls help me? - Printable Version

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i know this isnt about weddings bt pls help me? - Jordan - 02-28-2013 05:05 PM

Boys pls help what do I do now? Ok, so basically there's this really....proper guy. And I sorta like him. I'm 16 he's 18 (he's a senior and I'm a sophomore). I only met him this yr cuz of this club were in (he's the president). I actually never even spoke to him, but from what I can tell he's the mr goody twoshoes that all teachers love, he gets a 4.0, took all the ap classes, and he's like 6ft tall and he always dresses...professionally. Like, he never has Jewlery on or a Bennie, he dresses in khakis (NEVER jeans), has a long sleeve shirt on that isn't any brand that most guys wear (they're usually from the men's section, his clothes) and he never dresses in sneakers he always dresses in these fancy guy shoes (basically, he dresses like he's a professional businessman). And sometimes he comes to school in a tux and a tie and a briefcase (it looks really nice on him) for no reason. He also never cusses and he's a really "clean" guy (for someone his age...he doesn't even laugh at dirty jokes). I am personally really impressed with his maturity and I can honestly say I'm attracted to him. Problem is he's never had a girlfriend in his life (didn't even hold hands with a girl yet) so idk what his type is but I have a 4.0 and I'm Harvard-crazy so we have that in common, plus I'm every ap teachers "favorite". But from I can tell he's a really nice guy and everyone loves him (to me it almost feels like I'm talking to a grown up whenever I talk to him). As I've stated before I never really talked to him but whenever we pass by in the hallways he always smiles ad waves at me for no reason (always he the first one) so i added him over Xmas break on Facebook (he's on there 24/7) and even changed his profile pic when we came back and he NEVER responded to the request (never rejected it either....) and he adds EVERYONE in his club, so idk why he didnt add me :'( Now we came back, i did encounter him and he looked at me i looked away and i saw him smile @ me shyly but im too scared to go talk to him tho :'( Then 2 weeks ago I was walking with my friend and talking and I made eye contact with him (he was in a group of friends) I think he saw but then he moved to another group of friends as me and my friend were approaching him (its the same clique tho) but the group he moved to is closer to where my clique hangs out t so idk..but whenever we pass by each other he doesn't smile anymore (ever since we came back from Xmas break) then I added him again and he accepted it and today I smiled shyly at him and waved and he smiled back and whispered hello (he was in his tux again) and from Facebook I found out that he's into some similar interests as me (halo, some music and movies and whatnot) but idk what to do now

- catsclaw - 02-28-2013 05:06 PM

you better tell him how handsome he likes in his tux leave comments on his facebook page