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Writing an LDS missionary who you met on his mission? - Printable Version

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Writing an LDS missionary who you met on his mission? - Mindy - 02-28-2013 05:10 PM

I'm in college, in a province outside my own. I met this missionary who ironically happens to be from the same province as me, we live 2 hours away from each other and we also ironically have a mutual friend. He's home in 2 months. One month before me. My friend here married a guy who she met while on his mission, and she's my age (under 21). She wrote letters to this missionary. I had asked this missionary if he has facebook, and he did, so his sister accepted my friend request for him. Although I have 2 months until I can chat with him online and instantly, I want to write some snail mail letters. I'll only get about 5 in, but I'd like to get together with him after his mission. As we live SO close. He recently got transferred, because it's the only mission in the world that has one Canadian city in a USA mission, he had to go back south due to when he gets released. I'm not sure what to write... I've never written a letter to a missionary before, as I didn't know him until I moved, and he got transferred. I had applied to go back home in the fall, and he applied to the same city (different school), and one 5 hours south. I've been told to ask about hobbies, interests, goals. But this is a first letter... and it's only been 2 weeks, and it will be 3 by the time he get it. I want to keep it supportive and encouraging, but I don't know how. I've gotten advice from my dad and my friend, but I still feel lost! I've prayed about him, and snail mail seems to be a good idea. I've been a member my whole life, so I should know this, but I've never really been on a date... even though I'm an adult. Help!!!
Also... how long should I wait until after his mission to try and get together? I don't want to be that girl who grabs the guy really quickly, I want it to be honest. I know it's different for every guy... but I don't want to talk about it too soon, even though he'd have a month to be getting out of the mission mind. I don't want to be forceful. He's a really nice guy and he was the only missionary who complimented me on prayers and testimonies. Does that mean anything or am I just thinking things? I am so confused! I'm not experienced with dating or talking to guys... in a "I want to get to know you" sense, even though he and I talked easily.
The mission is 2 years! Btw of no dating... no thinking about dating, it sounds harsh, but it has such an spiritual impact.

- Jollycemetery347 - 02-28-2013 05:17 PM

If you live really close, just invite him out for a drink. And then see if you can get friendly.

Hold on. I just saw the second part of your question, you should get to the airport and get him when he walks off the plane. Get him before the other girls can. And show him a lot of smile. Assert yourself gently and sweetly Mindy.

- Ammon - 02-28-2013 05:18 PM

Missionaries like letters.

Don't be too rough when your Missionary friend comes home.
But I guess it is O.K. if you are, that's O.K. too.

Honestly I think he will flip when he gets your letter. It happens.

Just keep it supportive and encouraging
(yes I know that is really original advice, but don't worry there will be more
communication in the future).

Nothing wrong with seeing each other soon after he gets back off of his
LDS Mission. There is really no right or wrong answer as far as that goes.

A real good idea would be to pray about this, and fasting about this no food and
no water secretly and privately every fourth day as a lifelong habit, that would
also be a good habit.

That will help you get more inspiration throughout your life. In reality God has all
the answers. If you read the scriptures you will found out what a powerful tool to
gain strength and inspiration private and secret fasting truly is.

Being inspired helps you feel more confident and that helps to make up for
any lack of experience you may or may not have.

Where will all of this lead??? God knows the answer. Therefor seek God through
secret and private fasting as a habit, and through studying the
scriptures forty five minutes each day, and by praying on your knees three times
a day for ten minutes each time.

Someday you will be married in a Temple of Jesus Christ.
Perhaps not with this guy, but one thing leads to another
as the saying goes.

Stay true to you, and stay true to God and everything will work out great,
better than you could possibly imagine, better than wedding cake. Chat.

God bless.

- j p - 02-28-2013 05:22 PM

Slow the wagon down. You are stressed as evidenced by your writing a lot of disconnected sentences.

1) Write a letter to this guy. Tell him to work hard. Send him a pictures because snail mail needs to be more like Facebook. Let him know that you kind of have a crush on him and would like to keep writing him.

2) Calm down, relax, stress out, write the letter, tear it up, write it again, whatever. This kind of thing is awkward and there is nothing you can do to make it not awkward. Just get a letter in the mail and see if he writes back. Maybe he'll write back, I bet he will but what do I know, I'm some random person on the internet. If he writes back, write him again, don't worry about planning a marriage or even a date or anything right now, today the goal is just to send him a letter.

3) All missionaries are different, and when they come home they will set their own pace. Many are weird when they get home, not that this is a bad thing, and they get over it some faster than others. I flinched whenever my mother turned left in a car because I was used to driving on the left side of the road and to me it looked like she was turning into oncoming traffic. I did this for a month.

- joshsy - 02-28-2013 05:30 PM

You seem kind of cute and excited, hope this goes well for you.

During my mission, the longer I was there the less I cared about girls because I was on a mission, but it didn't take me more than a few hours when I got home to get back in the swing of things.

Consider carefully what you write while he's on his mission, a good missionary doesn't want to be distracted while he's finishing up, by now his sister has likely already told him about the friend request, if you send him a letter make it short and sweet and not romantic at all, if he's a good missionary he's more sad about his mission ending than dating.

How long until he's ready to flirt after his mission? With me it was a few days. I was so sad that I was home, but that didn't stop me from being a guy again. It took a few days to realize that my former girl friends were either married or immature (odd, as they we more mature than me when I left but less by the time I got home) and I wanted fresh girls rather than my highschool group. The girls who piqued my interest most had something to do with my mission - so you'll get the attention you want if you stand in line for it (ultimately I married an awesome girl who I met in a singles ward 2 years after I got home).

Just write a letter, say hi, tell him you don't want to distract him but are anxious to say hi to him when he's released and keep it short and churchy. Long letters were a pain, cause I felt like a jerk to give a short reply back, most missionary letters start off "sorry, this is a short one this week", don't burden him with a novel.