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How to start a conversation with the girl I like on facebook? - Printable Version

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How to start a conversation with the girl I like on facebook? - Yahoo guy - 02-28-2013 05:13 PM

I added this girl on facebook the other day and she accepted. I've admired her from a distance for a while now and I really want to talk to her I just don't know what to say. I've heard she has a little crush on me and a couple of my friends but I don't know for sure it could just be a rumour. None of my friends are interested but I am, anyway what do I say? Last time I started a conversation with a stranger I was shot down pretty badly, I've also been rejected and led on by a lot of girls over the years so I'll admit I'm a bit scared of it happening again, but I don't want to let her pass me by I might have a chance. I can't talk to her in person because we study such different subjects it's nearly impossible to meet her she's in none of my classes, also she's always with her friends and it's quite intimidating. So what do I say to her to get to know her a bit without being awkward or creepy? What if she wants me to go away? Some help would be great Smile

- Fraser - 02-28-2013 05:21 PM

Scroll through her old status updates and pictures,
Find something you have in common with her, e.g. if shes just been to mexico, and you went there last year, ask her where she statyed and tell her how good it was there!
Dont like any of her pictures and dont leave any 'fit' comments!
Dont like her status updates every day, certainly dont 'poke' her.
Just wait until the oppurtunity arrises when she asks a question in a status, or mentions something
that you have in common with her.

- Carloti - 02-28-2013 05:22 PM

Just start out like you would when talking to anyone like hey how are you things like that then if she's responsive to the normal exchanges move it on by asking questions to find things out about her while sharing things about your self in return. Ask thinks like seen any good films later to get some ideas of things you might have in common and then go from there.

- tinyicicle673 - 02-28-2013 05:30 PM

Just go for the simple "hey Smile" to start with, she will respond after a while.

You've got to be patient and learn to play the game, don't argue with the game, just accept it.

Don't say anything you'd be embarrassed if someone else read it, so:
No cheesy or cringey compliments
No sexual references (for now)
No compliments above "it's fine" don't make her feel special, she has to work for that

Most Important thing is flattery and gift giving won't get you anywhere! You'll just look needy and clingy, it doesn't work in real life.

You also don't want to instant reply, and you certainly don't want to multiple-message her when she has not replied to your last message.

You should also know when to take a hint, if she reads your stuff and doesn't reply after a long while or gives you one word replies, just say "I guess you're busy now il leave you alone" and log off, or better still "I'm going to the gym with my brother, talk to you later" or something like that just leave it and don't try for a while find a new girl.

The most successfully appearing guys or "payers" do not have a magic gift, they just take a lot of chances and you only hear of their success. They don't let set backs upset them, they are used to it, they just try again with a new girl, and learn from their mistakes. This learning from chances taken and failed teaches them become more successful and develop their own tactics and style. Its all just trial and error.