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Should I delete my Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I delete my Facebook? - Tash - 02-28-2013 06:00 PM

I'm 15, and I think Facebook might be one of the reasons why I'm feeling so down. Only thing is, it's the only way I can contact my crush and a few of my friends. I just don't know what to do Sad

- Mitchell T - 02-28-2013 06:03 PM

Do what you feel. Maybe just not go on it for a while. If you can't even handle that then you can delete it. It's up to you.

- Art - 02-28-2013 06:08 PM

Facebook to me is a waste of time so I would. You can Skype them or email them.

- SPYDERBLADE - 02-28-2013 06:17 PM

Try staying off of it for a few weeks, and see what happens. Maybe go into a cycle of a few weeks off, and a few weeks on.

- Jeff Powell - 02-28-2013 06:25 PM

If you have to ask then it's time to cut it loose. It's a source of stress for you at this point. Turn it off, leave it off for a week or two. If you feel a bit more 'free' then you have your answer.

Besides, you're 15, if you don't already have one it's about time your parents start trusting you with a cell phone, ask for one. If you've already got one, then get a text messaging plan... and contact your crush/friends that way, much better than facebook anyway.^^

If after all this you find yourself missing facebook and the myriad of silly game ads and spam mail that comes with it, then by all means reload it!!

Nothing is PERMANENT in the digital world.
Play around with it and find whats most comfortable for you! Smile

- Chris - 02-28-2013 06:30 PM


- Helen - 02-28-2013 06:33 PM

If you feel like it's bringing you down for whatever reason, then it wouldn't would be best to de-activate your account - not delete it altogether. This way, you always have the option to re-activate it right from where you left off, so you wouldn't have to create a new profile from scratch.
It's definitely not the only means of contact with your friends. There's mobile phones, Skype and email, and even the good old fashioned visit. Ask yourself honestly, how many of your Facebook friends are really friends? How many would you visit for coffee, or call in an emergency at 3 in a morning? I'd be willing to bet 5 or less. So why cling on to Facebook?
On the subject of your crush, it might actually serve to make conversation more exciting and more cherished. All you have to say is that you're breaking away from the Facebook scene, but give him your number and tell him you'd like to keep in contact!
It's the quality of friends that matters, not the quantity. Get rid of Facebook and concentrate on mainting genuine face-to-face relationships. You'll feel loads better for it!

- Mr. Knowledge - 02-28-2013 06:36 PM

Well if it's making you feel bad then you are better off deleting it. I really wish I could delete mine too.

- Anil - 02-28-2013 06:39 PM

The one who knows very much about yourself is you. If you are felling so then deactivate the facebook. Its your life friend and should be what you want. If you want it later and you can sign up in facebook any time.

- Maria - 02-28-2013 06:43 PM

yes delete it and skype instead