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POLL: Lubuntu vs windows operating system? - Printable Version

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POLL: Lubuntu vs windows operating system? - Arya - 02-28-2013 07:27 PM

My 3 questions are...
1. Is lubuntu faster then Windows XP, Vista, 7?
2. Is there anything that Windows can do that Lubuntu can't?
3. Overall, which operating system would you prefer and why?

- D - 02-28-2013 07:35 PM

1. No, unless the computer is old.

2. Yes, run a million programs that don't work under Linux.

3. Windows, because I want to get some work done and play some games.


- Al.Nuwan - 02-28-2013 07:44 PM

I prefer using windows than Ubuntu. I do not know which one is fast for clear. But in my case windows is faster. I use original software in windows. But in my country 98% are cracked software. I use windows primarily because all of my guys and parents use the windows platform so it is easy to share files. Linux is also useful for some purposes like downloading from torrents where windows and affiliated virus guards block them.

- Pontius - 02-28-2013 07:52 PM

1. Lubuntu (Ubuntu light) is actually faster on the same hardware than Vista and Windows 7. It's marginal against XP. I've done a good bit of benchmarking on that question.

2. Windows runs windows programs. If you are a gamer forget Linux unless you like the free Linux games. Linux doesn't give virus hassle and doesn't spy on you like Windows does. Linux doesn't run Windows programs unless you use ones that can run in Mine..a windows emulator. However for most common work and social it can do the same stuff. You get free office suites, graphics programs, good audio software, good ebook management, etc etc. With many people now working in the cloud it won't matter which one you use.

3.I am forced to work mainly on Windows because of my profession. However on all machines that I use I dual or triple boot with Linux. That gives me choice. There are actually a few things Linux does better but they probably won't interest you as I work in broadcast media. Don't forget most servers are run on Linux and the chances are every time you go online you are connecting through Linux. If you have an old machine go for Lubuntu. If it's reasonably new or a few years old go for Linux Mint. Linux is totally customisable to the way you want it generally, whereas Windows isn't. You will however have to get used to it. The only thing Linux has never had is a professional video editing and production platform but that is changing with Lightworks on Ubuntu in about 7 weeks from now. Linux is however used in high-level compositing effects work in Hollywood feature films.
I would suggest you dual boot. At least when Windows screws up you have something else to use and get online and fix it from. For everything outside of my media work I use Linux. It's safe, non-intrusive, free and legal.
Best of luck in your choice..keep your mind and choices open.