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Sociology Questionare Please Take Part!? - Printable Version

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Sociology Questionare Please Take Part!? - Nadine - 10-12-2012 08:09 AM

Hi, I have to a questionare for my sociology assingment about something i'm intrested in. I have chose how the media effects eating disorders and would be really grateful if you could complete the questions if you have any spare time.

Thankyou Smile

How much do you know about how the media affects mental illnesses such as eating disorders and depression?

1.Have you ever started a diet due to seeing a skinny model glamourized in the media?

2.Which of the below do you think influences eating disorders the most?
Facebook Tumblr(Photo Blog)Twitter Magazines

3.If you have an mental disorder such as an eating disorder, depression, mood disorder or self-harm, do you feel social networking sites or celebrity magazines can sometimes trigger your illness? If N/A do you feel as if the above could trigger an individual with one of the above?

4.Have you ever visited a pro ana/mia (a site which promotes eating disorders) site to get tips on how to undergo an extreme diet or starvation process?

5.Have you ever been a victim of cyber bullying over your weight?

6.Do you think there should be more ‘curvy’ models in the media? Why?

7.Are you knowledgeable about any of the following disorders?
Anorexia Bulimia Self Harm Depression

8.If anyone you knew had the above would that change your view of them? Why?

9.Do you feel as if the glamorisation of skinny models in the media and the digital manipulation of models to make them appear more perfect is wrong? Why?

10.Do you think this problem is growing rapidly eg: from the 90’s when models were a size 12-14?

11.How do you think the overall impact on younger children will be in ten years if this problem does not stop?


- Ms. Alamin - 10-12-2012 08:18 AM

i don't understand your question.....