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Who does Communism hurt: workers or bosses? - Printable Version

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Who does Communism hurt: workers or bosses? - Christian Skeptic - 02-28-2013 07:43 PM

What I'm asking is this: was the Cold War fought for the preservation of the United States, or the preservation of class distinctions, in particular the social and economic status of the nation's wealthy minority?

- Antie Pantie - 02-28-2013 07:47 PM

It hurts both.

Communism hurts everyone because it leads to artificial poverty.

- the optimist - 02-28-2013 07:56 PM

No one.
Antie Pantie, just what is artificial poverty?

- Phil McGroyen - 02-28-2013 07:59 PM

Communism hurts all who wish to live in freedom.

- Michelle - 02-28-2013 08:02 PM

Everyone, if we look at the long term results.

- Frost - 02-28-2013 08:06 PM

Everyone, because it doesn't promote the progress of some country. It leads to stagnation and misery.

- gunsrfunmg - 02-28-2013 08:11 PM

Those at the top want supreme control and whatever system allows for that is called is only secondary. The US was only anti-communist because the nations that have embraced communism were part of an empire in opposition to the American empire. For example, Vietnam is still communist but you don't hear a peep from the media about them ever unlike China, NK, and Cuba. The Cold War was fought for the ruling elite of the West so they could maintain their power and control on their terms. Even in Communism the top heads of government live a lavish and wealthy lifestyle.

- Peter - 02-28-2013 08:18 PM

Well, it was fought for the preservation of capitalism. You can twist capitalism however you want, communism just slows economies down ramping up inflation.

- teenyafternoon593 - 02-28-2013 08:27 PM


- Loyal Person - 02-28-2013 08:36 PM

This is interesting question; see my question about Chinese labor and how they are treated.
Communism hurt all involved and fear US is turning into a Socialistic government and it is no longer a free nation.