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American culture about meeting someone and dating? - sada e - 02-28-2013 07:45 PM

i want to know,when a guy or a girl see someone and likes her/him what do they do?
i mean how is asking someone to have date? and what is dating? and how is it? and what will happen after dating?

- Terri A - 02-28-2013 07:45 PM

I always say if interested: do it the way that makes you comfortable.

Get to know him/her as a friend and that will make it easier to ask them out.

After the 1st date, a hug and kiss goodnight is fine.

Usually when the first date goes well, your together. Take it from there.

- Violentbird669 - 02-28-2013 07:47 PM

In America, either the man or the woman, can initiate the conversation. Also, either can ask for a date. Women actually have a much higher success rate, in getting a date. The average young woman, may be asked-out 10 times a month, but the average young man, may only be asked-out about half that much, in a single year. Therefore, he's much more likely to accept each date offer he receives, whereas there simply isn't enough time for her to accept all of her date offers. It simply isn't practical to do so.

The best romantic relationships, usually have a strong foundation. A strong foundation consists of friendship, mutual trust and respect, honesty.

There are a number of ways to ask someone out. You may befriend them first. After awhile you'll just transition into dating. Perhaps you'll begin with friend-dates, and they'll slowly become more romantic. Another way, is to do a pick-up. When you pick someone up, you usually compliment them and flirt with them. This involves both verbal and non-verbal communication. Many pick-ups result in casual dates, or sex, but some can result in long-term relationships.

Another method is the direct approach. You may ask them, would you like to go-out with me? I'm personally not a fan of this approach, because it has the greatest risk. If they say no, they are turning you personally down. I prefer to ask in a more indirect manor. For example, "I'm going to ____ movie/concert/party/club/dance and I'd love for you to join me. I'm sure we'd have a great together." You're not really forcing them to make a decision on whether they'll date you, you're only asking them to decide if they want to go to an event, that you're already attending. This also displays that you have an active social life, which is attractive.

If they say yes, then great, you have a date. If they say no, then they aren't really turning you down, they're turning the event down. Its not nearly as personal. They're saying no, I wont be going. Perhaps they have plans. It leaves the possibility open, to ask again at another time.

If someone is really interested, they'll usually provide their number, email address or IM screen name. Maybe they'll even include a link for a Facebook or MySpace account. Texting, and social networking sites are quickly becoming very popular, amongst daters, and have been for awhile now.

This leads me to another possible dating avenue: Online-Dating. You could meet someone through a social networking site, like Facebook or MySpace, or you could meet through a personal ad. There are many dating websites, but there are also free sites like Craigslist, which offer personals. You should be careful who you meet online, and always practice caution.

Dating takes many forms. For some, its just hanging-out. Many teenagers, enjoy group dates. These usually include going to a place, as a large group. The group usually consists of two or more couples, and maybe even a couple single people. They'll often share the cost of the meals, and its just a fun, stress-free way to have fun. Some people enjoy going to a club or bar. You could attend a party, go shopping, play a sport, drive around, share a hobby, or see a movie. The possibilities are really endless. I've had quite a few dates, where I've taken women to the zoo. I have memberships at two local zoos, and its kinda fun to walk around, hold hands, and talk.

Keep in mind, that its rather difficult to actually get to know someone, if you go to a movie, on the first date. I'd actually recommend you save a movie, for a later date, and not do that on the first date.

Dating can be fun, or it can be incredibly awkward and downright painful. It just depends on the connection you have with the person. Try to make conversation. Don't talk about ex's on a the first few dates. That's just asking for trouble. If you're from another culture, than maybe discuss your homeland, and ask them about their childhood. That could make for an interesting conversation. Some topics may include food, music and travel. Those are relatively safe topics. Its usually best to avoid religion and politics on a first date.

Many American women want to be treated as equals. Many American men are aware of this. However, quite a few women still like it when a man pays for certain things and does things like opens doors and compliments them. If a woman insists you split the bill, don't argue with her, just smile and say, "Alright." Its best to avoid confrontation. When complimenting a person, you can say they look nice, and maybe compliment an article of clothes, but don't overdo it. Instead, focus on non-physical elements. If they're smart, call them smart. If they're funny, call them funny and say, they have a great sense of humor. If they're interesting then say, they're really interesting. These are safe ways to compliment someone, without them assuming you only like them for physical reasons.