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I'm in a really bad mood? Answer quickly please!!? - Printable Version

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I'm in a really bad mood? Answer quickly please!!? - me - 02-28-2013 07:46 PM

I am in the worst mood right now! And I was in a really bad mood yesterday as well.

1) I burnt my finger
2) I broke my mom's flat iron
3) my brother almost broke my door
4) my brother thinks I'm a baby and can't take care of things(my iPod)
5) My brother invaded my privacy by stalking onto my twitter account while I was in the bathroom
>>my twitter is the only place I can get away and just tweet about whatever I want.

Those are some of the things that absolutely ruined my day! Now I just feel mad at everyone for no reason and I think it's all because of my brother!!! I hate him help!

- Cersei - 02-28-2013 07:54 PM

This is a normal bad day everyone has once in a while. It sounds harsh but deal with it, thete are people out here a lot worse off that you, you have a brother alive to annoy you, ut some people have lost theres. Hes annoying but love hkm while you can.

- Sarah - 02-28-2013 07:54 PM

those are your problems? consider yourself lucky, open your eyes and realize life could be so much worse. be thankful for what you do have.

- hai - 02-28-2013 07:54 PM

"Hate" is a strong word. I REFUSE to believe you "hate" your brother. There are starving children in africa, and you're concerned about some ipod thing. Grow up.

- Courtney - 02-28-2013 07:54 PM

Bad things happen.Not every day can go as good as you would like it to go. And as for your brother...well , he's your sibling , he's not going to worship the ground you walk on, so get over it,

- Amardeep - 02-28-2013 07:54 PM

Do the same.. Ruin his day too. But not by anger, show your meekness, your love, and find out what is the thing he don't want to share with you, and then get rid of him.

- gomisterg2003 - 02-28-2013 07:54 PM

Good for you, you big baby