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What are your thoughts on this? - Printable Version

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What are your thoughts on this? - C - 02-28-2013 07:51 PM

Do you think banning sex offenders from certain social media sites is reasonable? Should individuals that are convicted of sex offenses be prepared to lose some of their rights? Or do you think this is unconstitutional?

- desmeran - 02-28-2013 07:57 PM

i think the ruling was legally correct.

as for reasonableness, i do think it is reasonable to ban sex offenders from certain social media sites ... but only insofar as it specifically relates to communication with minors. so i think as a condition of a sex offender's sentence they can be banned from sites aimed at children or from communicating with *children* on facebook (just as they can be banned from, say, volunteering in a school). but i do not think it's reasonable or even helpful to ban them from the internet as a whole or from all of facebook (widely used among adults, by businesses, by employers, etc.). that is like saying they are never allowed in the grocery store because there might be a child there.

- Y - 02-28-2013 08:04 PM

Don't care about it being reasonable nor constitutional. Sex offenders should be ban from society.

- What - 02-28-2013 08:07 PM

I think that it should be up to the individual corporations to decide. If they don't want sex offenders on, they should be allowed to ban them. If they are going to allow sex offenders, that's their choice.

I personally think that it would be more economical for a corporation to decide to ban sex offenders - they're welcoming a younger demographic that way, in allowing safer use for children. Parents will obviously recognize that and probably be more willing to let kids play or use those kinds of sites.

Additionally, banning those kinds of people probably helps companies avoid certain lawsuits where predators use their site to groom children.

- K Woww - 02-28-2013 08:10 PM

I wouldn't say it is unreasonable, but I would say it is foolish to think this would be an actual solution. I don't think joining facebook is a "right". They have age limits, so why not criminal history limits. What is the difference.

- Shea - 02-28-2013 08:16 PM

If a corporation bans sex offenders, sex offenders will sue and be the new owners of these sites. And that's exactly what we don't need. The law needs to do it and sex offenders need to then be reported if the access.

Sadly, the ruling was fair and the reality of the situation is these sites have an age restriction for a reason. There needs to be tighter parental controls and tighter monitoring by parents. Parents need to take it seriously.