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How long does it take for a new pizza restaurant to see business pick up? - Printable Version

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How long does it take for a new pizza restaurant to see business pick up? - MO - 03-01-2013 12:10 AM

I recently started a pizza delivery restaurant on September 1st and so far I have had only 8 deliveries. I passed out door hanger fliers, placed ads in hotels, created a Myspace and Facebook account and took out pay per click ads on these sites with a link to my website but still business is very slow.

- silvertatt - 03-01-2013 12:18 AM

Well, years ago it was a rule of thumb that a new business takes about 3-5 years to take off.

- Artie - 03-01-2013 12:18 AM

you aren't focusing on the basic needs of your customers, you need to go to city hall and hang a flier in every department. Police, fire, council chambers, clerks office, maintenance and parks and rec. Offering a 20% discount to all city employees by just showing their I D will get you business that will always be there and you can rely on it. You will get a lunch rush as well. Take out an ad in the schools sports programs offering walk in discounts with proof you were at the game. But, most importantly, you also need a pizza that is different from what's already out there, using my imagination I come up with a menu that is totally above all others. Things I never have seen on pizza that people should love: artichoke hearts and chicken, shrimp louie salad, crab omelet, denver omelet, the chili dog pizza, double the cheese burger pizza, a fish taco pizza, maybe even a pork chow mien pizza. They are all big fast food items but most all fast food don't deliver, and you can turn them all into pizzas. I mean really what is it other than your business you have to loose? "Think on top the crust" can be your slogan.