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My samsung galaxy ace won't turn on! Help please? - Printable Version

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My samsung galaxy ace won't turn on! Help please? - maisy - 03-01-2013 01:39 AM

I was on facebook on my phone and it wouldn't load - causing my phone to become rlly slow - so I turned it off (this usually works) and when I turned it back on again it won't go past a flashing samsung screen. I have taken the battery out and left it out then put it back in but my phone still won't work Sad
I have heard u can do something too reboot the system, but I reaallyyy don't want to do that because I would loose all of my apps, memory and everything, which I need!!
Please help I really need my phone! Sad

Thank you in advance xx

- Bob - 03-01-2013 01:47 AM

did you try hitting it with a hammer or stepping on it?

- Meeee - 03-01-2013 01:47 AM

awhh no D: keep trying and hoping Smile and if it doesn't work, bring it to a store. They should be all too happy to help!

- Pete - 03-01-2013 01:47 AM

Chances are, you may have to factory reset your device. Unfortunately if it will not boot that means something has been corrupted. First try pulling the battery for a few seconds. Then try to boot it. If that does not work you'll have to boot into recovery and completely reset your phone.