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Anyone heard about the new facebook virus? - Printable Version

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Anyone heard about the new facebook virus? - rainbowflavoredskittlez - 03-01-2013 03:00 AM

My mom was watching the news today & she told me not to get on my facebook because some virus is going around,remember that this was RECENTLY so i'm not sure if koobface is still going around and unless it is that's not what this question is about. I just need 2 know what 2 look out for, is it safe to get on my facebook and not worry about risk of getting infected? What do I need 2 be careful of in order to keep my computer from infection?

- Lola76 - 03-01-2013 03:08 AM

If a friend sends you a video and you click on it and it wants you to download software to view it, do not download anything! It allows someone to take over your computer and access all your files.

- Triumphant - 03-01-2013 03:08 AM

Don't click on anything and don't believe someone who says you need a new adobe flash player.