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Would you kill yourself over a failed relationship? - Printable Version

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Would you kill yourself over a failed relationship? - Wicked â–² - 03-01-2013 05:46 AM

There's this guy on Twitter who committed suicide because of a breakup; if you go down his timeline, it's just a huge suicide note. It's sad & all, but I'm 100% sure I wouldn't kill myself because of a relationship.

- Dylan - 03-01-2013 05:54 AM

I was dumped last year in June, I wanted to die but I found a new girlfriend in august and all is well now Smile

- miniaturebelieve857 - 03-01-2013 05:54 AM

No way! Life is way too precious to be given up!

- unknown - 03-01-2013 05:54 AM

no thats just stupid. plenty of fish in the sea!

- nougat - 03-01-2013 05:54 AM

I hope not. My cousin killed herself because of a failed relationship. They were a beautiful couple, I called her the model of the family because she was 6'0 tall, very skinny with a pretty face. Her boyfriend had the lightest blue eyes, ice blue. However my cousin was very intense, silent and brooding sort of person. She killed herself and her boyfriend killed himself because of it. Saddest thing ever to me...I miss her.

- Paul - 03-01-2013 05:54 AM

The aim of of a failed relationship is to reflect on where it went wrong and learn from it. Killing yourself isn't going to solve the problem. People want to succeed the very first time and when they don't it's very traumatizing and demoralizing. If they had looked back to when they first tried to take their very first step I'm sure they wouldn't have succeeded the first time, but they didn't give up, they kept trying until they had succeeded. It's a pity some people don't look back at how, even at such a young age, they never gave up on what they wanted to do (walk) and kept at it until they did it. But as they get older and gain more experience that little lesson they learned is lost or ignored.

- David - 03-01-2013 05:54 AM

Why would you kill yourself over a relationship? Are you sad because you lost someone? Or are you sad because you couldn't control someone enough to stay with you. I have been cheated on many times and been broken up with in many different ways, but never have I thought that suicide was an option.

If you are willing to kill yourself over a relationship, then you have deeper problems and you should seek professional advice. We (as a society) should stop fearing failure, whether it be a test, a job, a project, and, least important, a relationship.

If a relationship fails, it fails and it was bound to fail. After all my failed relationships, I found one that works, and has been working for over 10 years; and it seems like it will work another 10 or more years.

Bottom line: there are no reasons to kill yourself, especially not for a relationship.