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How could I complain to facebook about their extremely ridiculous request blocking policy? - Printable Version

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How could I complain to facebook about their extremely ridiculous request blocking policy? - Evan G - 03-01-2013 09:41 AM

I've been blocked from sending friend requests for 30 days for the 3rd time in a year. This time I only added less than 10 people & was careful & someone just rejected me & it says Im harassing people but I dont know who it is! I only added people that know me & it's punishing me for being rejected!
Not only that but all my friend requests were canceled & I wont be able to add people for another 30 days!
Man I wanna beat Mark Zuckerberg to a pulp for this bullshit.
There is no defending this AT ALL!

Has it ever crossed Mark's mind that maybe someone can reject you because they dont like you?
I know everyone I added well. It's just that one of them doesn't like me or likes me but doesn't wanna be friends with me on there.

Is there a way I could complain to facebook about this & get this policy removed?

Could anyone explain why I deserve to be blocked from requesting people & why I deserve to have all of my requests canceled?
Duncan you're an idiot that didnt answer my question.
How does me wanting to beat up Mark Zuckerberg for his ridiculous policy deserve being blocked?

- Logan - 03-01-2013 09:44 AM

Petition and email

- Duncan - 03-01-2013 09:45 AM

You have no grounds for a complaint. You agree to the Terms and Conditions by using the service. They are free to change the Terms and Conditions in anyway they want. You do not pay any money. You have no contract.

You ask...

"Could anyone explain why I deserve to be blocked"

Maybe because you say stuff like...

"Man I wanna beat Mark Zuckerberg to a pulp for this bullshit."

- Lenny - 03-01-2013 09:47 AM

Why am I blocked from sending friend requests?

If your account is temporarily blocked from sending friend requests, it's because friend requests you’ve sent have gone unanswered or been marked as unwelcome. From now on, please don’t send friend requests to people you don’t know personally. Facebook is a place for connecting with friends, family, classmates, coworkers and other people you know well.

If you are blocked from sending friend requests, you may also be blocked from sending messages to people who are not your confirmed friends.

To learn more about our policies, please review our Community Standards.

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