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If I have signed a contract with a selling agent, can I also list my property on my own? - Printable Version

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If I have signed a contract with a selling agent, can I also list my property on my own? - mundial8 - 03-01-2013 09:47 AM

Can I list it on social sites? Craiglist, ebay, facebook, myspace?

- Jay - 03-01-2013 09:51 AM

As a home owner you can list your property even if you have signed a contract. the only drawback with a signed contract is that you still have to pay the agency the commission that is promissed to them in the contract. In this case i can only say that you should work with your agent and share your view and have him bring some new ideas to make this experience better for both the parties by having new ideas on the table can help sell the house faster than you both coming up with different ideas and working against each other. The goal is to sell the house fast and most money. Working together as team is the key, that's what I will do.

- loanmasterone - 03-01-2013 09:58 AM

Yes you may, but I am sure that your agents contract says something to the effect that if the house is sold during the time of this contract I will get a commission, based on the sale.

So if you have an intention of "If I find a buyer I will not be obligated to pay my real estate agent" then you will have to have that understanding up front and in the contract.

If you are gonna hire an agent, why not just let the professional person do their job. That is why you are paying them the "BIG BUCKS"

The answer to your question is yes you may list it on any web site you desire, just be prepared to pay the person you hired when you or them find a buyer.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.


- milcollector - 03-01-2013 10:03 AM

Yes you can, I do....but you have to link to the ad/listing on the realtors site (MLS).
You are under contract and the realtor will get the sales fee no matter who sells it so you may as well let them work for it.

- Daniel R. - 03-01-2013 10:12 AM

It depends on your contract. Usually a real estate agent will require an "exclusive right to sell" agreement that provides that the agent gets paid if the home is sold, regardless of by whom, during the term of the listing agreement (and in many cases for a short time thereafter if the agent was the procuring cause of the sale - i.e., if they produced a buyer who did not purchase until later).

To list the property on your own would mean that you had entered it into the multiple listing service (for which you would pay a fee and which your agent has already done). You can advertise, show and sell the home yourself but you would still have to pay the agent if it sold.

If the listing agreement is not an "exclusive" but merely an "open listing" then the agent only gets paid if he or she sells the home.

- godged - 03-01-2013 10:19 AM

Talk to your Realtor about this first.

Some well-intentioned sellers produce marginal or even illegal ads. I advertise on many social sites, and prefer that my sellers leave the advertising to me. But some Realtors do not understand the value of internet advertising, and may welcome your efforts.