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Am I a bad sister? What should I do? - Printable Version

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- Nicki!!! - 03-01-2013 10:22 AM

your not a bad sister! you could get her to join like a sport club or athletics club. these can be really fun and you can make new friends. and as for her eating a lot of junk food you could go food shopping with her and buy some nice tasty healthy food and only abit of junk food. also you could take up a sporty hobby up with her.

- Loriann Blake - 03-01-2013 10:22 AM

well if you are her own sister calling her fat or obesse that isbso messed up you are her older sister where is your mom in this i have a mole and if any of my bros make fun of me they get introuble just like you should how would you like if you had an older sister that made you cry you should let her play sports like softball,volley ball and you guys can start a diet together

- Izzy - 03-01-2013 10:22 AM

You sound like an awesome older sister. If I were you, I would try to get her involved in some kind of sport or activity, like dancing or swimming. You have to be firm, and not allow her to buy junk food. You should also set "computer time" to limit her usage. Get her outside, and maybe if it it possible, get her a dog. Dogs tend to make owners take responsibility and bring them outside and excersize them. I run with my dog all the time. I am also 13, and I can see how hard it would be for an obese girl to fit in to this society that demands thin females.

- Safe - 03-01-2013 10:22 AM

you are not mean or bad , you are good and kind heart indeed .
sadly a lot of teens are like your sister these days .

- unkown1122 - 03-01-2013 10:22 AM

no ur not a bad sister i think u should keep on pushing her to exercise or whatever but in a different way ..make it fun , run together go with her to the gym.... don't make it seem like she's obliged to do it and let's face it it's boring to do it alone so u do it infront of her and that may encourage her to do it too ... or tell her you'll eat ice cream after it that will get her starting and then she wouldn't want to eat any junk food after it cz she would start and feel the diffrence

- Transition - 03-01-2013 10:22 AM

Make her sit next to you and tell her in a nice way (if possible) that she should stop eating all this junk food and that she should exercise. Also say to her that crying about it/carrying on eating excessively isn't ever going to help. Tell her you understand that she is upset about it but tell her to be strong and fight her obesity. I know what I have said sounds mean but it is the only way, goodluck Tongue

- Parallel - 03-01-2013 10:22 AM

Yes, you are being completely horrible. Shaming her isn't going to make her change. It's just going to make her self esteem even worse. Low self esteem and depression are probalby why she turns to food for comfort in the first place. It's also not her fault people are making fun of her. It's their fault for being immature jerks. Nobody asks to be bullied and nobody deserves it. Your victim blaming attitude is disgusting. If you want to help, keep your mouth shut and do nothing. Send her to your parents if she comes to you for advice. It's sad that you feel so little compassion for your own sister, the very least you can do is stop making her problems worse.

- Jasaia - 03-01-2013 10:22 AM

Bad Sister?
NAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ...You're a great sister for supporting her and even though some may not admit it, everyone gets frustrated and loses their patience from time to time. (:

She might think that her weight is a hopeless cause, so maybe you could prove it to her by gaining some weight yourself and then losing it together. Or, if your really can't be bothered, just show her some motivational videos that you can search up on YouTube. (: