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Is FreeMyApps safe and reliable to use? - Printable Version

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Is FreeMyApps safe and reliable to use? - Veronika - 03-01-2013 11:26 AM < this should be the link to the website

I have an iPhone as well as an iPad, and there are lots of great apps out there which I'd like to get, but I just don't want to spend so much money to buy all of them. So I was looking up ways to get these apps for free, and this was one of the ways that had popped up. I'd researched into it a little, gone to their facebook page, looked up reviews, and so on, but I don't know if its safe to use. Everyone seems to have mixed feelings about it, either loving it, or doubting it's security. Would it damage my devices or hack into it in any way? I wouldn't want to wreck my apple products to get 5 dollars worth of apps for free.
And another thing that's rather critical, does it work I'm from Canada? Is it US app store only?

- Ryan Roga - 03-01-2013 11:34 AM

Only trust apps available in the App Store. These apps have been reviewed extensively by Apple and have been deemed safe for iOS users. If this app is from an online download I would strongly suggest not putting it on your device. If, however, it is from the official App Store you can trust it.

If you have further questions you can always contact App Store support with your concern. They take concerns such as this very seriously and will investigate.