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How do you get a Boyfriend if your not the club going type? - Printable Version

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How do you get a Boyfriend if your not the club going type? - ArchAngel Raziel - 03-01-2013 05:10 PM

I'm not real big on crowds, if I'm going to a party, I would rather it be like a small, group of 10 or less. I'm introverted, and would rather read a good novel, then go to a club and get drunk.

How am I suppose to find a guy, if I'm like this and all the others seem to be extroverted and like really out going?

Any tips?

- Elegy 2 - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

See if there are any gay book clubs in your area. They're usually small and mostly quiet - it can also be a great place to meet someone with a freakin' brain in their head. Not like a bar.

- pops - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

Clubs are a "bad" place to pick up respectable boys. Set your sights a lot higher than a bunch of drunks trying to impress each other. Pops

- chester - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

Patience? Use the net to your advantage as there are personal sites for people who are seeking LTR's. Get your friends to talk to people on your behalf maybe?
Plus groups for gays may be a help to you

- agreeablestew677 - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

The cover of trees,darkness and lots of ropes and pulleys have helped me in the past.

- in4atreat2003 - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

I was the same way. I hated going to the bars, not really into drinking. I am somewhat of a workaholic. There are many ways to meet those little hotties out there. You just have to be patient. Believe it or not they will find you when you least expect it. I met mine online. You will meet some people through friends. You just have to let it run its course. You may not meet Mr. Right today or even tomorrow. Just be open minded and patient.

- Daniel - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

If we all knew this... we wouldn't all be single! Smile

I personally believe that when you are "ready" and it is "time" to have a boy friend, then you will get one.

It's weird how it works out, but if that has failed you or it's been too long, then maybe you should take a leaf out of a new craze called: "Cosmic Ordering", wherein people ask the universe for what they want and they usually get it!

Research it on the internet if you need more information.


- vidiotonline - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

go to a book club

- butterflikzd - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

Even though the clubs might be the easiest way to meet different kinds of people, there are several other ways to keep gay/bi/les/tran people as well. There are most likely groups in your area, especially if you live close to the city, for gblt. Gay pride is coming up as well = GREAT way to meet people. The good ol' internet- just be careful!!! if you have myspace, hit me up

- mmccutcheon0724 - 03-01-2013 05:18 PM

the club isn't a good place to meet a nice guy anyways. im kind of similiar to that i dont like going around big crowds either. i would suggest that you should find out if the people you do hang out with know of anybody you might be interested in