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What is the real name of Delhi Gang Rape Victim ? - Printable Version

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What is the real name of Delhi Gang Rape Victim ? - Robert Jack - 03-01-2013 11:56 PM

I'm Confused .. Because .. she is called by different names in different news channels
Some says Nirbhiya some says Damini and Amanat .. whats the real name ??

- Jade G - 03-02-2013 12:04 AM

Is it Damini?

- geeyen - 03-02-2013 12:04 AM

Is it Jothi?

- Arpit - 03-02-2013 12:04 AM

The name is not revealed due to personal reasons. There are many names like 'Damini' and 'Jyoti'

- VishwaPratap - 03-02-2013 12:04 AM

Vedana is real name damini is given after the film damini:1993 sunny deol

- tillan2k - 03-02-2013 12:04 AM

why pry personal details and waste energy know th ename of bus owner , police station officer who did not enter complaint

- Lakhan - 03-02-2013 12:04 AM

Her Real Name was Vedana
and i really appriceate her internal power to fight with life
Salute to her.

- S - 03-02-2013 12:04 AM

The 23-year-old Indian woman whose gang rape and subsequent death has generated a massive movement against sexual violence toward women has not yet been identified by media, in accordance with custom and to respect the privacy of the victim’s family.
It is also against the law. Under the Indian Penal Code, the public revelation of a rape victim’s name is punishable by a two-year prison sentence and a fine.
Consequently, Indian newspapers, magazines, TV broadcasts and social media have given the victim a number of honorary titles, including “Amanat” (‘trust’ or ‘fidelity’ in Urdu), “Braveheart,” “India’s daughter,” “beti” (‘daughter’), “Damini” (‘lightning’ in Hindi) and many other honorific.