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Which ones are your top 10 Movie Trailers or Teaser Trailers? - Printable Version

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Which ones are your top 10 Movie Trailers or Teaser Trailers? - Lee - 03-02-2013 01:20 AM

I mean independently of the movie, which ones in your opinion are the best trailers ever and why, if you could provide some links that would be really good

also is there any award for the best trailers out there?

- khoffman - 03-02-2013 01:28 AM

So I'll answer your last question first, and yes there are official movie trailer awards. The Golden Trailer Awards are strictly for trailers, while the Key Art Awards pick winners in all creative parts of film advertising, from trailers and TV spots to posters and print ads. I've provided Wikipedia article links to both below.

Here are the last twelve winners (this award started in 1999) of The Golden Trailer Award, by year:

2012: The Dark Knight Rises
2011: The Social Network
2010: The Cove
2009: Star Trek
2008: The Dark Knight
2007: 300
2006: Mission: Impossible III
2005: Saw
2004: The Stepford Wives
2003: About Schmidt
2002: The Royal Tenenbaums
2001: Requiem for a Dream
2000: The Matrix

You also asked about opinions, so here's some that really stood out in my mind:

- Disney's Lion King - the trailer was literally the first 5 minutes of the movie, and it was powerfully depicted with the birth of the young cub prince, and the music was rousing. IT gave you a big taste, but left you wanting more.

- Alien - no dialog, just some space scenes, then move onto quick cuts of the crew runnign around and crazy things going, meanwhile a haunting alarm is going off in the background, and then finishes with the tagline: "In space, no one can hear you scream". Brilliant.

IFC did a 50 greatest trailers of all time list, and most include video - link below. Hope that helps!