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Is there any way to stop facebook addiction other than deactivating or deletion? - Printable Version

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Is there any way to stop facebook addiction other than deactivating or deletion? - Lil Rama Chris - 03-02-2013 07:11 AM

Every time my parents go out.They think I am studying.Point is I am facebooking all the time.IGCSEs in grade 10 and I am struggling to concentrate.If I deactivate I get in quickly.If i delete account there is a 14 day period.This always puts me back to stop deleting the account.Help I need a method which i could use,for example after I finished grade 13 I could stroll in facebook.But now need a method to stop addiction.RIGHT NOW!!Please Help!Thank u in advance.

- Armando - 03-02-2013 07:19 AM

Self discipline my friend . I deactivated my fAcebook years ago and not logged in scince . Slap yourself in your hand when you're reaching for the mouse

- Dolan - 03-02-2013 07:19 AM

Step 1 :Put your mouse over the tab in which you have fb open.
Step 2 :Press on the wheel of the mouse.
Step 3 :???
Step 4 :Profit.

- Joseph - 03-02-2013 07:19 AM

It starts in you're mind and you have to change the way you look at you're "friends" list. You have to remember that no matter how many "friends" you have and the amount of communication you have with these people that they are more than likely acquaintances than they are a true "friend" and probably wouldn't go as far to protect the friendship than you might.

The more you realize this fact the less you will feed the relationship. Relationships are like fires, the more you feed it the more it grows. But it goes both ways. Both people have to feed it. If you stop feeding it will fade. And you'll see in time how hard you were working to keep these relationships alive and it probably wasn't as strong as you thought.

Not to mention...does every one need to know what you or anyone else is doing 24-7? I'm not sure everyone really cares if you "just microwaved a hotpocket....yummm lol"

- Mechiel - 03-02-2013 07:19 AM

The Facebook social networking site allows users to keep in contact with family, friends and long-lost acquaintances. Users who sign up for Facebook create a personal profile for others to search and find. This may not be desired if a user is seeking employment and doesn't want potential employers to find their account. Users have the option to hide their account by deactivating it. When an account is deactivated, it is hidden from all other users on Facebook. Users can still log in to their account to view their profile page and settings; however, their page will not be visible for anyone else to see. Users can then reactivate their account at any time to make it become visible.