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Learning Spanish, Any tips? - Printable Version

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Learning Spanish, Any tips? - Ton Butler - 03-02-2013 07:19 AM

I know that to learn a language you should constantly read/listen to it all day. So if I'm watching spanish movies or listening to Spanish music, will it be more helpful to have English subtitle? Spanish subtitles? Or no subtitles at all (just concentrate on the listening)?

Also, I was thinking about reading easy spanish book. Maybe a kids book or a novel designed for people trying to learn the language. Any suggestions??

This may be a stretch but... are there any such books that have both Spanish and English under each other line for line?

- Mike K - 03-02-2013 07:27 AM


What you describe is good for supplementary help but you need:

1) Good formal classes with a native speaker. The tough grammar is the key building block for being proficient in any language and you need the teachers to correct your mistakes or answer questions you cannot figure out.

2) A lot of work and study outside of class.

3) Strong interest and dedication.

4) Self - discipline above all.

5) Exposure to Spanish speaking people be it Latin pubs, special events, dances, dates etc.


Michael Kelly

- Suzy - 03-02-2013 07:27 AM

I learnt Spanish partially from school for 3 years and then went on to teach myself! I would say that I learnt Spanish so much better with my self-study method which was communicating with Spanish native speakers online; I suggest Twitter, Facebook etc. And I listen to Spanish music a lot like everyday and have a dictionary handy to look up for words that I encounter from the songs I listen to. I think Spanish dramas or shows with English subtitles will definetly help but I don't think they were that much helpful to me. Personally, I find learning a language requires patience, determination and commitment. I think communication is the key element here; speaking the language either face-to-face or online and I know this may sound lame but you can always dish in random spanish words when speaking to your friends or siblings and I find their reaction really hilarious but oh well!! xD For example; I am so happy today! Fue geníal!! I would also recommend downloading some apps because they're quite helpful. It took me quite a while to reach Spanish conversational level and it was due to my 2.5 years of hard work and determination!
A hilarious spanish show I would recommend is 'Buenafuente'! xD And my fave Spanish singer is 'ALEX UBAGO'! He is the best! You could also check out Juanes! Wink
Good luck!! ^^

- Killkissinger - 03-02-2013 07:27 AM

Try Byky program.

combined with Ramon Campayo techniques.blllaaaaaaaaaah

- Tidus - 03-02-2013 07:27 AM

You could try learning Spanish at Spanish Track. You will learn Spanish Online with native speaking teachers from Spain or Latin friends told me its going very well for them, hope it helps you out.