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When should I apply to become a YouTube partner? - Printable Version

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When should I apply to become a YouTube partner? - Joseph R - 03-02-2013 08:25 AM

I've been wanting to be a YouTube partner for some time. At this point, I don't think I have enough views or subscribers, but I was wondering how many should I have before I apply?

- me - 03-02-2013 08:33 AM

if your videos viewed by thousands of YouTube users, then you can jump in.

- Umair Masood - 03-02-2013 08:33 AM

To become a YouTube Partner, you must meet these minimum requirements:

* You create original videos suitable for online streaming.
* You own or have express permission to use and monetize all audio and video content that you upload—no exceptions.
* You regularly upload videos that are viewed by thousands of YouTube users, or you publish popular or commercially successful videos in other ways (such as DVDs sold online).

Check this for further details:

- Annoymus - 03-02-2013 08:33 AM

If you have a few hundred subscribers and 100K views you can. Subscribers don't really matter you just really need to have at least 100K total upload views, original content, and own all copyrights. If you do apply!

- Amy Novosad - 03-02-2013 08:33 AM

I would say have at least 1000 subscribers.

- RR - 03-02-2013 08:33 AM

You can get a lot of views by learning how to..its not difficult..Some of the non-offline celebs became very rich on youtube..
You can greatly increase your YouTube views by following basic optimization tips:
1. Title: optimize titles so that they get better search engine results plus get a lot of views on YouTube.
2. Thumbnails: Select a compelling thumbnail that catches eyes.
3. Don’t make an Ad(only for commercial purpose): if your video doesn’t provide any value it won’t be viewed again and again.
4. Be innovative: Innovative videos spread like a virus on social networking sites and easily get on the front page of YouTube. So be creative, be funny.
5 .Optimize tags: Ensure proper tagging to get better position in search results.

There is a good resource named How to get more youtube views in 24 hours or less by Ryan hanks...
You can get a lot of views by learning how to..its not difficult..Some of the non-offline celebs became very rich on youtube..
You can greatly increase your YouTube views by following basic optimization tips:
1. Title: optimize titles so that they get better search engine results plus get a lot of views on YouTube.
2. Thumbnails: Select a compelling thumbnail that catches eyes.
3. Don’t make an Ad(only for commercial purpose): if your video doesn’t provide any value it won’t be viewed again and again.
4. Be innovative: Innovative videos spread like a virus on social networking sites and easily get on the front page of YouTube. So be creative, be funny.
5 .Optimize tags: Ensure proper tagging to get better position in search results.

There is a good resource named How to get more youtube views in 24 hours or less by Ryan hanks...