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Where can I post an Babysitting ad? - Printable Version

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Where can I post an Babysitting ad? - cara_cara172000 - 03-02-2013 09:51 AM

I have tried to post a babysitting ad on several websites, but they won't let me because I'm under 17. Where online can a 16-year-old post an babysitting ad?

- Still Learning - 03-02-2013 09:59 AM

you can try craigslist. or maybe your news paper. i would be careful about giving out your number and your age.. there are some creeps out there!

maybe make on online profile and people can e-mail you. even if it's like a facebook. you can list your credentials.. or training you've had. you can make a facebook for your baby sitting and it's like a business profile and previous people you've baby sat for can comment and refer you!!

- clicktostart - 03-02-2013 09:59 AM

You might want to consider the old-fashioned method. Stick up flyers where your clients are. Since baby-sitters are local, you could just post at grocery stores, community boards and churches in your area.
Our Early Years Centre also allows a list of sitters.

I can't think where I would look online for a babysitter. I might google babysitters in my area or I might notice a local facebook ad.