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How do i stop being jelous of my boyfriends ex girlfriend? - Printable Version

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How do i stop being jelous of my boyfriends ex girlfriend? - violeta - 03-02-2013 11:28 AM

Hey i really need some advice on how to get over my boyfriends ex.
I have two years with my boyfriend already and he is the first boyfriend i have been this jelous of...
When we berly started going out he would talk about his ex alot! (even though they were boyfriend and girlfriend for about 5 month) He would even tell me how their sex was ,how they would do it, where they would do it etc.
No other boyfriend had told me so much detail of their ex ... but i thought he would stop telling me everything. When we were about 5 months i went to mexico for about 2 weeks and i know it was wrong but i went through his messages on facebook and found out he was talked to her when we were about 3 or 4 months together, THATS WHEN I EXPLOTED. I tried to break up with him but we were just so connected with eachother... After that i found out that he had gone tk her house to go "visit her family" so all the trust i had for him jist broke!
Ever since that and ecen though we already live together and hace 2 years with each other i cnt forget what he did and cant trust him no more even though he didnt cheat on me with her i guess i took it like if he cheated ...
And it was bad enough his mom and sister would act like if they knew her for so long or if they went out with each other for years i just dont like that.

Know all i know about her is that he has a baby and happy with her boyfriend...
And even though i have everything to be happy with my boyfriend i still cant get over him going to visit her ... Speacially because he said nothing happend ..
And now are viggest fights is when i bring her up and try to talk about his past ...
What im more jelous about is COME ON THEY JUST LASTED 5 stupid month and it was just per sex and he cried for her so much! And got all depress and emo about a person that didntevn live him and that cheated and he got over her like after a year ... A lil before he met me and supposly felt in love with me right when he saw me ...

- JulesF116 - 03-02-2013 11:36 AM

First of all you most be sure that your boy friend knows what you feel about this matter. Trust is basic plus comunication. You most give him a chance to prove that he is over with her ex and for sure if he values your relationship he will understand. In the other hand you should try to be friends with her. Better to have the enemy close. Not to close...hehe...don´t need to have her in all your activities as principal guest...but at least you most know what you are dealing with. But I realy suggest that he make up his mind and decide what is most important. He has been with you for longer at time that he was with her any way.

Goodl luck

- Taylor - 03-02-2013 11:36 AM

I've had bug jealousy issues too I feel you. The only thing that makes me feel better is thinkin to myself do I wana sit here miserable n dwell in the past n keep reliving it.. no. You just gota really try n keep ur mind off that situation and think about what makes u happy. Also if you feel like she's competition just remind urself your better n tell him that too, show him your confident u can do it better but also I know its hard but act like u don't care sometimes it really gets to guys or make him worry about what ur doin one day to really get him thinkin about only you. Make him want you more than he's ever wanted anything