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Do I have the right to be jealous and annoyed, or am I overreacting? - Printable Version

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Do I have the right to be jealous and annoyed, or am I overreacting? - isabel ✌ - 03-02-2013 02:03 PM

I feel like I'm being really overdramatic by letting this upset me so much, but it does. All names are initials.

My boyfriend C and I have been together since October and before we started dating we were friends, so we talked a lot. Before he liked me he liked this girl N, but they were never together or anything. He just had a really big crush on her. However, she is 100x more his type than I am. They listen to the same type of music, they're both amazing artists (visual art), and she's closer in age to him than I am.

Last Sunday he came over to watch the Superbowl and while he was at my place, he told me that he was getting lunch with N and D (a mutual friend of ours) the next Monday. At my school we can go out for lunch and it's a really big social thing, so I was a little curious as to why I wasn't invited, especially because he was going out with two girls alone. I asked him and he told me he couldn't tell me. I tell him EVERYTHING. I sort of let it go, but I was annoyed the whole night. The next day, he ended up going out to lunch with me and when I asked about what was going on with N and D he said "the situation resolved itself."

Moving on - last night we were talking on Facebook and he asked me if I could grab lunch with somebody else Monday (tomorrow). I asked him why and he said "I'm gonna grab food with N, we need to talk some things out." I got annoyed and logged off, but now I'm just sort of jealous and hurt.

Am I overreacting or should I trust him? He's never done anything to break my trust, but he has a habit of distancing himself as soon as I get too, for lack of a better word, clingy. Any advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated.

- Amber - 03-02-2013 02:11 PM

I would be upset. You have the right to be. He shouldn't be sneaking around with other females. He should let u know whats going on

- Mike - 03-02-2013 02:11 PM

Umm...bad news, sorry to break this too you, but he is too into her. They are starting to see each other more. He has made spending time with her more important than spending time with you.
"we need to talk some things out." Really? What are they discussing that he can't discuss with you. You have a right to know, so demand it. Tell him to stop wasting your time. Men don't really have paltonic friends. Chris Rock said that in his comedy. Move on and find someone new. It seems like he has been comparing you to her, and that's simply not fair to you.

- hip-hop junkie - 03-02-2013 02:11 PM

that really a big problem. well it would be for me. he's hiding something from you for sure. and the fact that he can't tell you straight up shows me he's kinda immature still. you are not being clingy at all and you deserve to know what's happening. it's not fair to you and he's not being considerate of your feelings. tell him that what's the reason he's not telling you. and that you know hes had feelings for n before and that he shouldn't be surprised why you would act suspicious with him being around n alone especially when he doesn't tell you what they're taking about.