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Are there any other young women out there that aren't self-obsessed? - Printable Version

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Are there any other young women out there that aren't self-obsessed? - mrs.purrcy - 03-02-2013 05:43 PM

Okay I don't mean to bash anyone or women specifically but this has been an increasing problem for sometime now. Unfortunately most of my girlfriends are away at uni so I basically only see them 3 times in the year (holidays, spring time and the summertime) so I've had to resort to meeting newer girls to befriend and whatnot. The problem I find over and over again is for some reason I seem to be attracting young women who are near my age (19) or even a couple of years older who seem very self-obsessed, insecure, dramatic, and lack any real substance. By self-obsessed I mean they refuse to have a two way conversation, they ignore the other persons view points, only talk about themselves, anytime the convo starts off being open ended they end it into some boring dialogue of monotony revolving around themselves. By insecure I mean they deliberately say and behave in unnecessary ways towards others usually out of insecurity for example (wow she is so fat I bet her boyfriend would like me waaaay more) or suddenly deciding to not be friends with someone who is honest with them, and by lack of substance I mean they don't want to engage in any conversation that is open ended, conversations that are not about other people. I'm trying to understand why I am attracting women like this when I normally don't and these types do not usually make up my social circle. What am I doing wrong? I usually sever ties with them after realizing this which usually is within a few days to a week lol.

- ATB - 03-02-2013 05:51 PM

Ughh... not this again. Look.. look.. you are a snow flake and you are unique... just like everybody else.
You are as unique as everybody else go it?

- ump-teenth account - 03-02-2013 05:51 PM


- Jonelle Reinmuth - 03-02-2013 05:51 PM

I will be your girlfriend

- deafeningMercenary632 - 03-02-2013 05:51 PM

Both young men and women, and older humans beings for that matter as well, are brainwashed from birth by: the media, religion, their parents, cultures, etc., to relate to the world and themselves a certain way. Often, but not always, this conditioning is one that focuses things on you, what you should buy, what you should wear, what you should think, and so on. few cultures teach that individuals should respect everyone and care about everyone, most put the focus on you and what you want, not what others need.

- Brad - 03-02-2013 05:51 PM

Yes the rare one percent.

- Mabe - 03-02-2013 05:51 PM

Not usually at this age, as most people just want to discuss what they have going on, and if you are not going to speak up about your own, then they will tend to talk about what directly affects them.

You seem too, like you would rather discuss more things in general than what is personal. There are people that can do both.

It takes awhile to make good friends, and with this being how you are, keep trying.