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changed laptop and now can't sync iPhone? - Printable Version

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changed laptop and now can't sync iPhone? - Abiee - 03-02-2013 07:07 PM

Hi! I recently got a new macbook pro and was previously using a PC, i had hundreds of songs on my itunes and managed to get them all onto my new mac through my dropbox so they are all now on there, including many new songs i didn't have on my old PC. i tried to sync my iPhone with this new mac and none of the new songs went on, and i noticed it wasn't really syncing properly it was very quick. Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong and help me get my new songs onto my iphone? thanks!

- Bob - 03-02-2013 07:15 PM

Here is all the mac and apple help in one place... Ask Apple here for free
1-800-MY-Apple ,and...
Check out the sites for more information.… and and Mac parts
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