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Does anyone know the best way to advertise a website without being annoying? - Printable Version

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Does anyone know the best way to advertise a website without being annoying? - D Cal - 03-02-2013 08:23 PM

I have a idea that i've planned out for the past year and i'm in the process of trying to find me a Computer Programmer to put it together. When it's done, i want to be able to market it in a civil way without throwing it on people like alot of people do.

- wild child - 03-02-2013 08:31 PM

Congratulations! Since you already know what to do & not like many others who just buy a domain with some space & at the end start SPAMMING!
Well Id suggest you to learn Website Programming, since the programmer you hire won't be available all the time.. Trust me it happens *_-

Now the advertising part. If at all you have something to invest, then a local newspaper or a general magazine will help you gain attention & hence traffic.. If the idea/content of your website is interesting & decent enough, then contact Magazine editors/ Website heads already well settled to help you put up a Press Release which will make you more confident & hence Attention..

Note: This can happen only if your website is Professional enough for the magazine/website to give you its space..

Now, if you have little or nothing more after paying the programmer, all you can do is Social Networking & save money for a newspaper or college magazine Ad & have patience..
Advertisement by word of mouth & basics like Blogging & Google Ads(ads places decently on the website) can earn you nice traffic, update your FB/Orkut account !

P.S.- You sound more of a creative mind than a commercial man.. Still give your idea a kick & stay same but in a different way ^_^