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How can I change the size of my fonts? - Printable Version

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How can I change the size of my fonts? - mamamojo - 03-02-2013 08:37 PM

We had to have our pc totally cleaned out and reloaded due to a virus on facebook we got somehow. Well now I can't change the settings for fonts on my desktop and other websites. I've tried to change in Display, won't stay. I have tried to change settings on monitor, no luck. I have even gone into Nvidia manager and that did not help either. So how do I get my fonts to some easily viewable size?

- squarelinen256 - 03-02-2013 08:45 PM

It's about screen resolution. That has become higher. You need to make it lower so that the items become viewable.
What OS do you use?
Go to desktop and by right clicking - Desktop properties.
Go to settings tab and lower the resolution. This should work.
Good luck.