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Why do Christians get so indignant when people diebelieve in their god? - Printable Version

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Why do Christians get so indignant when people diebelieve in their god? - Sarah Louise - 03-03-2013 02:32 AM

I have just had a surreal debate with a Christian on twitter! I was talking to somebody else he follows and he came into the conversation to inform me that if I was honest I would admit my atheism means my life has no meaning. That is a fairly aggressive way to introduce yourself but I replied politely. We went back and forth for about ten tweets - I asked him if a life only has meaning if it is eternal and of cosmic significance and he said that yes, life has no meaning if that is all there is!

His profile has a photo of him with a gorgeous baby and I asked him if his son does not give his life meaning. He kept saying that its a fact that a life has no meaning if there is no afterlife and then got annoyed and indignant with me for continuing to insist that my own life is meaningful to me and to my loved ones!

Then I asked him why he was so indignant when he was the one claiming my life has no meaning because I don't attribute the same meaning to it as he does and he said he had to leave before he said something that would get him suspended and then he blocked me!

I am sure many Christians would not behave like this but so many do seem to really take issue with atheists just because we are atheists. We just had someone here lashing out at us for not believing in their god - taking it very personally indeed. Its so ridiculous! They disbelieve in thousands of gods themselves and then get outraged when someone disbelieves in theirs!

What is the indignation about? I understand you defending your belief indignantly if challenged. I think you are wrong but I understand how people who feel attacked respond aggressively but if someone is simply saying they don't believe in gods???

Why the indignation?
This is the question aimed at atheists - just angry because of their disbelief.;_ylt=Ao.DpSkp8koqrVgmiL0yV6MgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130125104833AAqUsOB
This is the question aimed at atheists - just angry because of their disbelief.;_ylt=Ao.DpSkp8koqrVgmiL0yV6MgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130125104833AAqUsOB
No, Alex, we know that countries with high numbers of atheists have less crime than those with high numbers of Christians. Compare stats from Europe and America. I don't believe this indicates that religion leads to crime - all the evidence suggests that poverty and poor education lead to crime and religious belief - but it is clear that believing in a god does not prevent crime. As an atheist, it is important to me to help others NOW - I do not believe that starving children will go to a better place. They just die.

- Save Yourself - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM

Children and con artists get angry when people doubt their lies, too. It is a defense mechanism when the lie can't be defended - act angry or act hurt.

- Fireball - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM

usually it has to do with the way something was respect and mocking wont sit well with anyone....ONE GOD JESUS...SO IF YOU DON'T LOVE HIM PLEASE GO ELSEWHERE...where someone cares. I like good attitudes.

- Thomas - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM

Because they are brainwashed to imagine that it is real!!!

- ™ʎllıq®® - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM

When we judge or philosophize with the words we mindfully construe pertaining to dualism, we actually tell others where we are.
Also, what we subconsciously dislike or fear about our selves we often try to change in others.
If we hate it's because we hate our selves, this can be due to being spiritually subverted by the evils of this world - lies, family and societal breakdown.
And even buying into empirically derived scientific discoveries, then following them as though they were religions or philosophies.

- Ryan - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM

Not all are like that, I'm a Roman Catholic and I respect others and their views on the world, I would hope others would act the same. I'm not a bible basher and I don't go to church, I just believe that there is something bigger and greater than me out there, and I hope I get rewarded when I die for being a good person.
Also Vicky down there below me, that is the most unoriginal insult in the world, I seen a picture of that on 9GAG and it was about Mac users. Stupid lady, fishin for thumbs, you want some bread with that?

- Everard - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM

Meh... they join dots differently to us...

“I’ve discovered that it all boils down to brain wiring:
Your brain is wired to worship magic or it isn’t.
Either it’s wired to utilize logic or it isn’t.
Either it’s analytical of myths or it isn’t.”

Bertrand Russell: There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths.
Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting.
But he dares not face this thought!
Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed.

- sing_intherain - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM

they think we won't be saved, ruining society, blah blah blah. sorry, but i'm worried about where the earth we actually live on is headed, and you are holding us back from our capacity, christians.

- Hfgh - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM


- Vicky - 03-03-2013 02:40 AM

Debating with a christian is like playing chess with a pigeon.
It knocks over all the pieces craps all over the board and then struts around with it's chest puffed out like it has won the game!