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How do I talk to attractive men? - Printable Version

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How do I talk to attractive men? - ♣ - 03-04-2013 02:11 AM

I'm 19 and a sophomore in college. I just got out of a 4 year relationship a few months ago. Anyways I think I am ready to start dating, but I have a problem. I can't seen to know how to talk to attractive men. I am a bit shy and whenever an attractive guy talks to me I turn bright red and I can't control it. Usually I wait for the guy to talk to me too. How do I approach men and get dates? Or is it that i'm just too picky?

- Justin E - 03-04-2013 02:19 AM

they talk to you if you arent ugly

- Rick - 03-04-2013 02:19 AM

you just have to keep trying to get over your embarassment

try to just tlak to attractive men about things that dont make you nervous, then youll get used to them

- Ilove Internet - 03-04-2013 02:19 AM

Well, to start with the shyness, talk to a nice guy you know on a social media or texting. If you want a date, you should go out with men you already know and are friends with for at least half a year. You will have a more successful relationship and find it more easy to relate to them.

Talking to men on social media sites, you are less likely to get all shy and worried. More or less for experience. But when men come and talk to you, don't be shy. You have been given a ticket for the train to your next boyfriend!! Your attractive and that's what gets you most of the way. So when he starts a conversation, smile, sit down and try to relax as much as you can.

A way to interest someone is talking about them. Make sure to compliment them and then you basicly seem like a cool, cute, smart, relaxed girl.

You can go after the guys sometimes, but mostly let them come to you. They will be ready to have a conversation and will be interested in you and what you have to say.

And if he doesn't show up... slow down!! You still have heaps of time and love comes when it's least expected. Sometimes you will just have to wait for the right one. Remember, you have only been single for a few months. Let the guys know and get into the flirting world. Don't worry, prince charming will come for you!!

Hope this helped!

- Kandor - 03-04-2013 02:19 AM

i can give you very good advice, but it is gonna take some studying.
look up "pick up artists" on yahoo(i would say google but they would ban me)
you will find common routines. study them.
Look up the local community, see where they go.
Go to where they "sarge" and play along their lines. when you spot a routine you will know that you are desirable.
this will give you confidence
after a while in an interaction, you will know if they want to date you or get in your pants, then you choose to blow them off or stay with them.
look, the entire idea of this is for you to get confidence, alright? so, you will then know that men actually think you are a pretty girl and you wont a have a prblem with them. you will conquer the room with your confidence, hopefully.

Please answer mine, you seem to be experienced.;_ylt=Ao4oSwMJPUmxV9pT2R2Bqr3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130131212426AAGC6wA

- Ursu - 03-04-2013 02:19 AM

Well as I see it you just got back into the game and you're "rusty" or you have a self confidence issue. For the rusty part practice makes perfect. But for the confidence issue you should read this book. I know it helped me.