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Lawmakers are sold to the highest bidder? - Printable Version

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Lawmakers are sold to the highest bidder? - Marco - 03-19-2013 09:33 AM

Lobbyists, that is, men with the briefcase full of DOLLAR $ and juicy contracts for consciences, are running through the halls of the U.S. Congress, the Congressmen buying to issue laws that favor the rich and famous.

- Cory - 03-19-2013 09:38 AM

Now, can you rephrase this in the form of a question?

- The Solution - 03-19-2013 09:40 AM

All of our Socio-economical Problems are Caused by 536 Elite, Privileged, Professional, Permanent, Political RULING Class Members in Washington DC, that have TOO Much Control and Power, in which Corruption is the Currency that is RUNNING and RUINING our Country….
Contact your Friends, Family, the MEDIA and Government Representatives, Federal, State and LOCAL and DEMAND these 5 SIMPLE STEPS:

1) Require States to Pay the Salary, Retirement, Travel and Living Expenses, and Staffing Needs of their own US Senators and Representatives in the House. (They could not set their own pay and benefits that way and be Beholden to those that Elected them, not Washington, DC Special Interests)

2) Legislators can NEVER vote to "Exempt" themselves from any Law they Pass. For Example, healthcare and Insider Trading (both of which they exempted members of Congress from having to comply)

3) Same Term Limits as the President. If you sit out a Term and Run again and your Constituency wants you back you can do 2 more Terms, then sit again. It will Stop Politicians from Making it a Career Choice, rather than Public Service.

4) Turn over Control and Funding of the Dept. of Ed, EPA, Dept of Commerce, Health and Social Services, Land Management, Parks, etc, Back to the States to Operate as they deem appropriate for their Respective States. IF Congress did not have CONTROL of Purse Strings, they would not be such a BIG, Corrupt Target for Lobbyists and Contributors.

5) Lastly, Citizens and Corporations can ONLY donate to the Campaign of Individuals that Represent the District in which you LIVE and/or Work. Why should Liberal Unions in New York be Giving Millions of Dollars to a Democratic Senator for Alaska? ONLY one Reason and it's NOT Honorable.

These simple fixes would change our whole way of "Operating." It would inspire Leadership Rather than Control. It would save $100's of Billions of $$$ in pet projects and Destroyed Wealth during elections. And eliminate the "necessity" to bribe Congress with Lobbyists to get anything done. Gridlock would not be an issue, because they would not be thinking about their own personal future, rather, doing what is required to help the most Americans.

These Changes would allow for We The People to have an opportunity to run for Office and Represent our Neighbor again.