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Is it wierd for a 16 year old girl hate the social media? - Printable Version

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Is it wierd for a 16 year old girl hate the social media? - melissa - 03-25-2013 03:55 PM

I'm a 16 year old girl, yet a hate the social media, I find it pointless and unethical. Everybody is on Facebook, instagram, twitter and whatever else is out there sickens me honestly. I hardly text as well, I prefer face to face conct, where people actually socialize, instead of looking at a screen. Many people think of me as wierd for not having any type of account expect on Yahoo obviously, it doesn't bother me what they say, but I'm just curiously. Is it wierd?

- Jonathan - 03-25-2013 04:03 PM

No! Or course not! I know exactly how you feel, and I'm 14. I've felt ths way since elementary, and I just don't approve of people our age socializing the way adaults do :/. I don't Instagram or any of that hipster crap. I do Youtube and Yahoo though.

- Jared Memorable - 03-25-2013 04:03 PM

I don't think its normal but as a 16 year old guy I would have to agree with you. I'm not on instagram or twitter but I have a facebook only because everyone else does. but talking on facebook just doesn't have the spark as having fun in person does.

- Alycia - 03-25-2013 04:03 PM

Nah. I'm 16 and I feel the same way. Facebook is boring and what people say on it is pointless and so so stupid. Twitter, I don't understand that site. Instagram, don't understand either (oh let me take 10 minutes to take a picture of my food before I eat it). I don't have an Instagram nor Twitter. The only social media thing that I like is Tumblr, and I wouldn't even call that a social media thing. I only text my sister and my brother's gf, and even then barely ever. So you are not alone!

- Mike - 03-25-2013 04:03 PM

Of course not, I feel that way sometimes too. All of this text and messaging shit is ruining society, girls and guys think a text for birthday or Father's Day is enough, they don't even bother to call or send cards anymore. I'm only 17 and I think this lol don't worry it's normal it's just your opinion <3

- MO - 03-25-2013 04:03 PM

Very sensible - shows intelligence. Social media is boring and insipid - sickens me too. I

Let's not bother with them.
