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What is the point of Instagram? - Printable Version

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What is the point of Instagram? - The Dude - 03-25-2013 05:15 PM

I know it's just taking pictures and uploading them. But why? Like I don't get it. Are people just that self conscious where they need people to like and comment on every photo they upload? It's like the picture version of twatter- i mean twitter. I've always liked Facebook but it's pretty much dead now. Nobody ever tries to make new friends anymore. Lol well I'll be the one laughing when I get a good job without worrying about whether I uploaded inappropriate posts or pictures. I'm 17 btw.

- Kara - 03-25-2013 05:23 PM

They're all pretty stupid, if you ask me.
Twitter: "I need everyone to know exactly what I'm doing and what I think about things AT ALL TIMES."
Instagram: "Ohemgee I'm so great, I need to upload a ton of photos all of me so that everyone can like them. Why waste time with statuses or important things?"
Facebook: "I need 1,000,000 friends even though I only know about 50. And I don't like that girl/guy commenting on my boyfriend/girlfriend's photo. DRAMA TIME!"

All facts. So I don't use any of them.

- kate - 03-25-2013 05:23 PM

Idk. I don't really like it on my personal account, but i have another account where i post pictures of classic rock bands and stuff and it's really fun Smile