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Why does it seem like everybody wants to be "hipster" lately? - Printable Version

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Why does it seem like everybody wants to be "hipster" lately? - Catherine L - 03-25-2013 08:43 PM

You don't have to read this all the way through, it's just a little more of an explanation of my annoyance and confusion.

It's been this way for awhile now, but lately it's come to an extremely large fad... about 3/4 of the girls I know are obsessed with being 'hipster'. Not the regular kind of hipster, but this new weird annoying tumblr/instagram/twitter faux hipster. One of the many signs are those big framed glasses, lots of them wear those even when they have the most perfect vision. It's getting exceedingly annoying, because the 'hipsters' and ruining a lot of the things that regular people like. Like cats for example. I mean what?! There's some big thing about being obsessed with your cat. Stores are making shirts with cats on them, my friend (who is very into all of the 'hipster' craze) recently bought a skirt with a bunch of cats on it and, dare I add, she doesn't even own a cat.
I just don't get it. Supposedly in today's generation, it's 'cool' to be 'hipster. I thought real hipsters didn't care about all that. I can't exactly explain it, so can somebody please explain it for me?

- Joshua Smith - 03-25-2013 08:51 PM

Because it's the current trend. In a few years it will be old and people will start to see how stupid it was.

- Keith - 03-25-2013 08:51 PM

Music and drugs. I say. Also think they are bamfs by dressing that way. They just look stupid.

- Sans Deity - 03-25-2013 08:51 PM

For the same exact reason why people wanted to be rebels without a cause in the 50s, hippies in the 60s and 70s, yuppies with Members Only jackets in the 80s and grungers in the 90s: trends come and they go, you really should find something more important to worry about in your life.

- Sky - 03-25-2013 08:51 PM

Shops, magazines, and everyone else is doing it. Its like a rotating circle of people: theyre all copying the person in front of them and thus are all dressing and acting the same.

Btw twitter, tumblr and instagram have always been big. I am not a hipster but I love all 3 websites