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Am I just a little crazy? - Printable Version

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Am I just a little crazy? - Jen - 03-25-2013 09:02 PM

I had this crush way back when... And I see him around and I know that he used to like me.. And he still smiles whenever he sees me around. So I sent him a Facebook message just saying hello and small talk he read it and hasnt responded.... Has my brain literally manipulated me to believe the feelings were mutual???

- mJc - 03-25-2013 09:10 PM

Probably... time to let him go.

- Kerry - 03-25-2013 09:10 PM

yes. Real friends always reply and reply fast. I knew this young woman who, she PMd me and I replied back, incl. another question and the bitch never PMd back... cunt Now I know she was all lies.

- olderwiser100a - 03-25-2013 09:10 PM

not crazy. okay, like all of us, maybe just a little. lol. give it some time for him to respond. us guys generally do not live for FB or texts like girls do. if he hasn't replied in a reasonable amount of time, you can either resend him the message, or send a second asking if he was upset because you messaged him in the first place.

- Pr - 03-25-2013 09:10 PM

No you are not crazy and I guess that you are just curious to know whether he likes you or not. That is just human nature. Ideally you should really have tried to speak to him - face to face - that way you can actually read all the subtle signals being sent out by his body language. Contacting him by Facebook is a bit of a cop-out - maybe your message didn't provide enough scope to respond. My suggestion is that next time you see him, go up to him - say "Hi, how are you?" followed by "I sent you an FB message did you get it?" - his responses - or lack of them - should be a much better pointer to his feelings about you. Good luck and take care :-)