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Why do people with so low self esteem never seem to get out and do something to improve it instead of? - Printable Version

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Why do people with so low self esteem never seem to get out and do something to improve it instead of? - Take a bow - 03-26-2013 06:01 AM

killing themselves just because their being picked on, not having any likes on facebook what the heck...?

- Lily - 03-26-2013 06:09 AM

mostly because thier self esteem is so low that they are afraid of rejection for trying, so they keep to themselves. and for facebook likes & stufff its not really about the likes, its the fact that they think no one cares enough about them to like thier stuff that it drives them over the edge. it happens to more people than you think, and its actually quite difficult to get up and do things . ive had a period of time where i felt like that, im okay now . but it is harder than you thinkk.

- Ban - 03-26-2013 06:09 AM

Not having any likes on facebook? No one kills themselves over THAT.

Why don't people do anything to "improve /it/"?
Don't be so narrow minded.

- cernunnicnos - 03-26-2013 06:09 AM

Because they don't think that way. You might as well ask why people with alcohol or drug addictions don't just stop taking those substances. Outside help is needed.

Of course you could also ask why people have to pick on others? What is it about those people that makes them want to attack people whom they don't like? If you don't like someone then ignore them, why be nasty about it?

- helena - 03-26-2013 06:09 AM

Hello there.
If you think that having likes on facebook will increase someone's self esteem you are wrong. It is wrong for couple of reasons.
An individual cannot depend on facebook forever and eventually facebook will be gone one day, then what will you do? For instance, people who are CEOs and this and than for 30 something years they didnt advertise their business on facebook. There was no facebook 30 years ago, so they were able to survive without facebook back then, and so can we,
When an individual feels lonely, getting picked on has low self esteem, there should be some emotional support for this person. I believe this individual is strong,smart, has a good heart and is capable of communicating. Sometimes some words of encouragement really helps anyone.
It sad to think that so may people rely on facebook for the wrong reasons.
An individual should have goals for future, not thoughts about killing themselves or committing suicide.
Take a pen and write down what will your goals be for future. Start by making goals for tomorrow:
- get up out of bed;
-take a shower;
-eat breakfast;
-go take a walk..

Best of luck!