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How can I block ads on Firefox? (Windows 7)? - Printable Version

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How can I block ads on Firefox? (Windows 7)? - ☜❤☞ αñḡ€ʟїηα ☜❤☞ - 03-26-2013 11:11 AM

So I'm always on Youtube, and for some reason, it keeps showing these ads on the side of the page that advertise for either a dating website or porn website because it's showing this girl who's only wearing a bra, and the place where her underwear should be covering is covered by a box saying "Do you want to chat with Ana on webcam?" and it's really disturbing me. It's like the only ad that shows other than a World of Warcraft and an anti-smoking ad. And I never go on dating websites or anything inappropriate. How can I block ads like this? I don't want anybody thinking I watch porn, and these types of ads really annoy me! Thanks!

- Richard James - 03-26-2013 11:19 AM

The way I block them is by adding the URL of the ad to my hosts file. That way they get blocked across all browsers - not just Firefox.

- Chris Z - 03-26-2013 11:19 AM

Adblock Plus add on

- David - 03-26-2013 11:19 AM

Select 'Add-ons' from your 'Tools' bar at the top of you FF browser. Click on 'Get Add-ons' then search (top-right of screen) for 'Adblock Plus'.

Install it (I believe there are different versions of it now - choose which best suits you - or all if them if you like). Once enabled this excellent little pop-upblocker and should solve all your problems.

Note: You should download and install a great little utility called 'CCleaner (formerly 'CrapCleaner').
It will clean your whole system up no problem, removing all traces of these annoying pop-ups which sometimes attach themselves to your system and are hard to get rid of.

Hope This helps

- Ozoran - 03-26-2013 11:19 AM

Firefox's add-on Adblock Plus is a definite must.

I've been using it for quite a while now and entirely forget that sites like that, Facebook, etc. even have ads until I see them on someone else's computer. I don't see ads of any kind anywhere.