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How do I make my own blog? And which website do I use? - Printable Version

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How do I make my own blog? And which website do I use? - jonjonmackey - 03-26-2013 03:21 PM

I want to be able to have a readable blog my friends can access where I can organize different writings into folders, so that it is organized. One section might be an entire manifesto, broken up by topic or chapters. Other areas might be just musings or a daily journal. Another section will be my persuasive editorial essays, inventions, ad campaign ideas, business model ideas, patents...

And which website is best for sectioning things in this manner? Myspace? livejournal? facebook?

- mikeno61 - 03-26-2013 03:29 PM

you could try freewebs. it lets you make ur own website for free, and it includes blogs too. it can also be divided into groups.

if you have mac, you mite have to use firefox.

- Billy M - 03-26-2013 03:29 PM

you could also use

- Test M - 03-26-2013 03:29 PM

I can set this up for you for around $275.
Custom graphics, search engine optimization and I will go through the administrative features with you.

- waxingpoetic75 - 03-26-2013 03:29 PM

I would have to say Wordpress is the way to go. You can go with either self-hosted or use I have several self-hosted Wordpress blogs, and you can use them for everything from websites to membership sites. You could set it up in such a way that only your friends, business team, etc would be the only ones able to access it. That way, your valuable ideas wouldn't be released to the public before you're ready.

Also, you refer to folders. Wordpress doesn't use folders to organize posts. It has a feature where you assign your post a Category.

For example, if you write a post that was an editorial essay, you would put it in your Editorial Essay category. If you write a post about a business model; likewise you would put it in your Business Models category.

Your categories then appear as links in the sidebar of your home page. Users can use these categories as one of a few ways to navigate your blog.

If you want to try this out without cost to make sure it's something you will maintain before you invest money in it. Use one of the following:

If you're ready to jump in, Wordpress is a free open source application. You'll need a domain name and a hosting account. If you have questions, don't hesitate to add me as a contact. I'm not looking to sell you anything. I'm glad to strings attached.

- Marybeth:) - 03-26-2013 03:29 PM

i love tumblr. it looks really confusing at first but it's so easy.
just look around for a little bit and you'll figure things out.